Chapter 66

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The private jet cruised smoothly at high altitude, its engines emitting a low, constant hum. Inside, the cabin was a sanctuary of luxury and sophistication, designed to cocoon its occupants in comfort and privacy.

 Ibrahim sat in one of the leather seats, staring out the window at the endless blue sky. His mind, however, was far from serene.Across from him, Adeel, trusted aide and a man Ibrahim had known his whole life, shifted uncomfortably.

 There was a heaviness in the air that made every moment feel laden with unspoken worries."She was living in Jaipur," Ibrahim began, his voice breaking the silence. He turned to Adeel, his eyes a mix of confusion and concern. "But how did she get there, Dad?"Adeel sighed deeply, rubbing his temples. 

"Son, we don't know anything right now," he admitted, his tone weary. "Our men are still gathering information. But you will ask her once she is back at our house."Ibrahim's grip tightened on the armrest, his knuckles turning white. "Our men say she is living with some family," Adeel continued, his voice softening as he observed Ibrahim’s growing distress.

The words hit Ibrahim like a punch to the gut. His heart raced, and a wave of possessiveness surged through him, spreading like wildfire. The idea of her being with another family, away from him, was unbearable."Which family? Who are they?" Ibrahim's voice was sharp, almost demanding. His usual calm demeanor was cracking under the pressure of his worry."We don't have those details yet," Adeel replied, his eyes filled with concern. "But we are doing everything we can to find out. 

You have to stay calm, Ibrahim. We'll bring her back."Calm was a distant concept for Ibrahim at that moment. His mind was a whirlpool of thoughts, each more troubling than the last. Why had she gone to Jaipur? Who were these people she was living with? The questions gnawed at him, fueling his possessiveness."I can't just sit here and do nothing," he muttered, more to himself than to Adeel. His thoughts were a turbulent sea, each wave crashing harder than the last.

Adeel reached out, placing a reassuring hand on Ibrahim's arm. "Ibrahim, we will find her. Trust me. She will come back, and then you can get all the answers you need."Ibrahim nodded slowly, though his tension remained. He knew Adeel was right, but the waiting, the not knowing, was torture. His thoughts kept returning to her, imagining her in a strange place, possibly scared and alone.

 The thought tightened the grip of possessiveness around his heart."I just want her safe," he said quietly, his voice filled with an emotion that he rarely allowed himself to express."And she will be," Adeel assured him. "We will bring her back safely. You have my word."As the jet soared through the sky, Ibrahim leaned back in his seat, closing his eyes.

 He tried to focus on the steady hum of the engines, using it as a meditative mantra to calm his raging thoughts. But every beat of his heart echoed with the same demand: bring her back.His mind wandered to the moment he would finally see her again, the questions he would ask, the reassurances he would seek. 

The possessiveness was overwhelming, a testament to how deeply he cared. He couldn't bear the thought of losing her, of not knowing if she was alright.Adeel watched him, understanding the turmoil his young friend was experiencing. 

He knew that for Ibrahim, this was more than just a matter of safety or duty. It was personal, intensely so.The flight continued, each passing minute a test of Ibrahim's patience and resolve. But within him, a steely determination was forming. He would bring her back, no matter the cost. For now, he had to trust in Adeel and their men, and in the strength of the bond that connected him to her.

The private jet descended smoothly, touching down on the runway of Jaipur’s airport. The moment the wheels hit the ground, Ibrahim felt a surge of urgency course through him. He exchanged a brief look with Adeel, both men knowing they had little time to waste.As soon as they disembarked, a sleek black car awaited them on the tarmac. 

They climbed in quickly, the driver immediately pulling away and heading towards their destination. Ibrahim stared out the window, the vibrant streets of Jaipur blurring past him. 

His mind, however, was far from the picturesque cityscape.Adeel glanced at Ibrahim, noticing the intensity in his eyes. "What are you thinking?" he asked, breaking the silence.Ibrahim turned to him, his expression resolute. 

"I want her, that's it, Dad. I didn't even take her pictures with me."Adeel smiled gently, a twinkle of reassurance in his eyes. "Her picture is in your heart, son."Ibrahim couldn't help but smile at that, a flicker of warmth breaking through his tense demeanor. He nodded, appreciating Adeel's words.

 It was true; she was etched into his heart, every memory, every moment they shared, vivid and unyielding.

The car weaved through the streets, the driver adeptly navigating the bustling traffic. Ibrahim’s thoughts drifted back to her, imagining the moment they would finally see each other again. 

His possessiveness, tempered by Adeel’s calming presence, transformed into a fierce determination to ensure her safety and happiness.Finally, the car pulled up in front of a modest house, nestled in a quiet neighborhood. The driver brought the vehicle to a stop, and Ibrahim and Adeel stepped out, the air thick with anticipation. They walked towards the main door, the weight of the moment settling over them.Ibrahim reached out, his finger hovering over the doorbell for a split second before pressing it. 

The chime echoed inside the house, each note resonating with the hope and uncertainty that filled him.They waited, the seconds stretching into what felt like an eternity. Ibrahim’s heart pounded in his chest, a mix of anxiety and anticipation. Adeel stood by his side, a steady presence that grounded him.

On the other side of the door, Mehak was in the kitchen, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee filling the air. She stirred the pot absently, lost in her thoughts, when the doorbell rang. 

Startled, she switched off the gas and wiped her hands on a nearby towel.As she walked towards the front door, a sense of unease crept over her. She couldn't shake off the feeling that something was about to change. 

With a deep breath, she unlocked the door and pulled it open, only to be met with the biggest shock of her life.Ibrahim stood there, his intense gaze fixed on her, as if he was afraid she might disappear if he blinked. "Princess," he murmured, his voice filled with an emotion that sent a shiver down her spine.Mehak's heart raced, her body reacting before her mind could fully process what was happening. She started to shiver, her hands trembling uncontrollably. 

It felt like a bad dream, one she couldn't wake up from. But the man in front of her was very real, his presence overwhelming.Sweat beaded on her forehead as she took a step back, her eyes wide with disbelief. Ibrahim, sensing her shock, moved forward, entering the house without hesitation. Adeel followed closely behind him, and Ibrahim's men slipped in as well, their presence adding to the surreal atmosphere.

Before Mehak could utter a word, Ibrahim closed the distance between them and pulled her into his arms. The familiarity of his embrace broke through her shock, grounding her in the reality of the moment. "I missed you," he whispered, his voice a mix of relief and longing.

Mehak body started to shiver more Ibrahim broke the hug and without any delay kissed her lips seeing this all the men puts there head down and adeel closes his eyes.

Tears badly started to fall from mehak’s eyes Ibrahim broke the hug and wipes her tears he touches his forehead with her forehead and said “I kissed you after so long time” 

Mehak looks into Ibrahim eyes and said “leave me please” Ibrahim who was lost in her came back into reality and said “princess be a good girl and come with me”

Mehak pushed Ibrahim with all her powers and said “I will not come with you” 

Author's note
Hello beautiful people finally your Ibrahim met mehak How is the meeting?

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