Chapter 101

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Ibrahim stormed into the garden, his eyes scanning the area with fierce intensity. The moonlight cast long shadows across the lawn, making the sprawling garden look even more mysterious. 

The cool night air did nothing to quell the fire of anger blazing inside him.His guards were standing at attention, their faces blank, but Ibrahim could sense their unease. He stopped in front of the head guard, his gaze piercing.“What did you find?”

 Ibrahim demanded, his voice low but heavy with authority.The head guard shifted slightly, his eyes flickering with uncertainty. “Sir, we searched the entire area, but… we found no one.”Ibrahim's jaw tightened, his hands clenching into fists. “What do you mean, you found no one?” he asked, each word laced with suppressed rage. “I saw something—someone lurking around here. Are you telling me I and my princess are mistaken?

”The guard swallowed hard, his voice wavering slightly. “We’ve checked every corner, sir. Whoever it was, they must have escaped before we arrived.”Ibrahim’s eyes narrowed, and he turned away, trying to control the anger surging within him. He had a feeling that someone had been watching, but without proof, he could do nothing but brood over it.“Keep the security tight,” he ordered, his tone brooking no argument.

 “I don’t want anyone—anyone—breaching our privacy like this again. Understood?”“Yes, sir,” the guards responded in unison.Ibrahim gave one last look at the darkened garden, his mind racing with thoughts of what might have happened if he’d caught the intruder. But there was nothing more he could do now. He turned on his heel and walked back into the house, the tension in his shoulders reflecting his inner turmoil.

The next morning, the household was buzzing with activity as usual. Sameera was in the kitchen, overseeing the preparation of breakfast, when a sharp gasp escaped one of the maids, who was watching the television in the corner.“Madam, you need to see this,” the maid said, her voice trembling with excitement and something else—something that made Sameera’s heart skip a beat.“What is it?” Sameera asked, walking over to the television, wiping her hands on a towel.The scene on the screen made her freeze in her tracks. 

The news channel was showing images—clear, intimate images—of Ibrahim and Mehak in the garden the previous night. The first image showed Ibrahim bending down, his hand gently cupping Mehak’s face. The second was even more shocking, with Ibrahim kissing Mehak, the tenderness of the moment starkly contrasting with the ruthless headlines splashed across the screen: 

“Prime Minister and business tayoon Ibrahim Khan Caught in a Private Moment with his would be wife!”Sameera’s breath caught in her throat. Her first reaction was disbelief—how could the media have gotten these pictures?

 But as the reality sank in, a mixture of shock and anger washed over her.“Oh my God,” she whispered, her hand flying to her mouth. “How could they…?”She immediately rushed to the living room where the rest of the family was gathered. 

“Turn on the news!” she shouted, her voice laced with urgency. “Right now!”Farha and Alim exchanged confused glances but did as they were told. As soon as the images flashed on the screen, the room was engulfed in a stunned silence.Grandpa was the first to react, his face turning red with fury. 

“How dare they invade our privacy like this?” he thundered, slamming his cane against the floor. “This is outrageous!”Mehak, who had been standing at the edge of the room, paled as she saw the images. Her face was mostly obscured in the photographs, but it was clear enough to make her stomach churn with anxiety and embarrassment. 

She felt a wave of nausea rise within her and without a word, turned and fled to her room, the tears already stinging her eyes.Ibrahim had been sitting in his study when he heard the commotion.

 Sensing something was wrong, he quickly made his way to the living room, where he was met with furious glares and panicked expressions.“What’s going on?” he demanded, his eyes narrowing as he looked at the television screen. 

The moment he saw the images, a cold fury settled over him.“Oh,” he muttered under his breath, the pieces of last night’s puzzle clicking into place. “That means there was a media reporter lurking around here. I was thinking this might happen.”“How could this have happened, Ibrahim?” 

Sameera asked, her voice shaking with a mixture of anger and worry. “This was supposed to be private!”Ibrahim sighed, running a hand through his hair. 

“I don’t know how, but I’ll find out who’s responsible for this. They’ll regret the day they crossed me.”Grandpa nodded, his face still flushed with anger. “They must be punished! This is an invasion of our privacy, and it will not go unanswered.”Ibrahim’s eyes softened slightly as he turned towards the stairs, knowing where Mehak had gone.

 “I’ll talk to Mehak,” he said quietly. “She’s probably upset.”He made his way to her room and knocked softly before entering. Mehak was sitting on the bed, her face buried in her hands.

 The moment she heard him enter, she looked up, her eyes red from crying.Ibrahim’s heart clenched at the sight. He walked over and sat beside her, taking her hand gently in his. “I’m so sorry, princess,” he said, his voice filled with regret. “This should never have been broadcasted. 

This was our private moment.”Mehak nodded slightly, unable to form words. The whole situation felt surreal, like a nightmare she couldn’t wake up from.“I promise you,” Ibrahim continued, his tone firm, “I will find out who did this and make sure they are punished.

 This should never have happened.”Mehak looked at him, her eyes searching his for reassurance. “How did they even get those pictures? 

”Ibrahim shook his head. “I don’t know, but I’ll find out. Don’t worry about that.” He squeezed her hand gently. “You’re safe here with me.”She nodded again, leaning into him for comfort. Ibrahim wrapped his arms around her, holding her close as the weight of the situation pressed down on both of them. He could feel the tremor in her body and hated himself for not being able to protect her from this invasion.“Everything will be okay,” he murmured, kissing the top of her head. “I promise.”Mehak nodded against his chest, feeling a little comforted by his presence but still deeply disturbed by what had happened. 

The fear of the outside world, the prying eyes of the public, felt more real than ever before.Ibrahim pulled back slightly, tilting her chin up to meet his eyes. “You’re my world, Mehak. I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure you’re happy and safe.

 No one has the right to take our moments and twist them for their own gain.”Mehak gave him a small, sad smile. “Thank you,” she whispered, feeling a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos.Ibrahim smiled back at her, though his mind was already racing with thoughts of how to deal with the person responsible for this breach. 

He would ensure that whoever dared to invade their privacy would face the full force of his wrath.But for now, all that mattered was Mehak. He leaned in and kissed her forehead gently, letting her know that he was with her, no matter what came their way.

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