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"First question." Ellen speaks, reading off the cards in her hand. "What made you want to start acting or how did you get into acting?"

"Well my mom did a lot of theater work, so I was in a lot of plays and musicals when I was young, and it just evolved into acting." Zendaya answers first.

"Uh, my dad got me into it I guess. I mean, he was a big actor even when I was little, so he was always bringing me to set with him, and by the time I was 4 or 5, I had been doing little parts in some of the movies he was in." I answer next.

"I did hip hop classes when I was younger and a choreographer noticed me and had me audition for Billy Elliot the Musical, and then I started acting more and more." Tom answers.

"I wanted to pursue acting and didn't really know how to do that, so I found this 2 year acting program in New York and was accepted." Jacob answers. "It's all history from then."

"I went down the acting road after dropping out of highschool." Tobey answers with a shrug. "But stay in school kids, we can't all be lucky like that."

"Save the best for last." Andrew chuckles before answering. "I did youth theater, graduated my drama school and started doing theater productions and then later on movies."

(All true stories btw, I looked them up."

"Wow, that is a wide range of beginnings." Ellen nods, having been listening intently. "Anything else anybody wants to add?"

"I don't think so." Jacob says, looking at the rest of us, all of us shaking our heads.

"Alright then, perfect. Next question is," Ellen says, moving the card off the pile. "What was your favorite scene to act out?"

"Ooh, I'm first!" I immediately speak up. "My favorite one to act out was the one where Peter 1 and Valerie are designing all the stuff for the bad guys. We got to play with this big greenscreen thing, it doesn't actually work like it does in the movie, but it was still a lot of fun watching the editors edit it."

"My favorite scene was probably the big fight scene." Tom answers, nodding slightly. "It was so much rehearsing for it but it was a lot of fun."

"Mine was definitely when we're all in the lab and Peter 1 and 3 find out Peter 2 has natural webs." Tobey says next. "Hashtag best Spiderman."

"Arguable." Jacob mutters playfully.

"Moving on." Andrew chuckles. "Mine was either the portal part, when Peter 2 first comes in and MJ throws the bread or the rooftop scene."

"Oh, the rooftop scene was so good." I agree, nodding.

"Yes, it definitely was, I almost cried." Ellen speaks up with a chuckle.

"My favorite scene to act out was when Ned gets to use his magic." Jacob grins nodding.

"Mine was the rooftop scene at the beginning, with Ned third wheeling MJ and Peter 1." Zendaya laughs. "Or the after everything scene in the coffee shop, although that physically pained me."

"Always third wheeling." I comment, nudging Jacob.

"Shut up." Jacob laughs, elbowing me right back.

"Now, I'm sure we all want to know this one." Ellen says as she switched to another card. "What is your favorite clip/clips or pictures of a castmate."

I immediately pull out my phone, pulling up the TikTok that would be my answer.

"The video of Walker asking Delphi out." Andrew answers easily.

"THERE'S A VIDEO OF THAT?!" I shout back at him.

"Yeah, and you can hear Connor's smartass in the background." Tom chuckles.

"I didn't know there was a video!" I laugh, looking at Ellen. "Did you know?"

Ellen nods while laughing a bit, making me feel stupid because apparently I'm the only one who didn't know someone recorded it.

"Oh my gods, was it Aaron who recorded it?" I ask, my eyes widening in realization.

"You didn't hear it from us." Jacob raises his hands in innocence. "But moving on, I have so many, I couldn't pick a favorite if I tried."

"Definitely that one blooper from Spiderman when Tom and RDJ are in the car and RDJ's trying to open the door and Tom just hugs him cause he didn't know." Zendaya giggles, Tom glaring at her. "Or the Avengers interview when he's singing 'best of friends, best of friends' and knocking down the action figures."

"I don't know if I can pick one." Tobey shakes his head. "But maybe the picture of all 3 of us with all of our stunt doubles, so there's just like... 20 Spidermen all in a line."

"I think my favorite might be from the premiere when Tobey, Andrew, and I come up behind Connor and Delphi because that reporter was prying and being a nuisance." Tom says, Zendaya nodding.

"It's giving protective but also sometimes overprotective uncles." She says.

"I saw that." Ellen nods. "What was that all about, anyways? I couldn't find the interview anywhere."

"Yeah, my manager threatened to sue for defamation if they posted it anywhere." I tell her. "I don't really know what that means though."

"So what was going on, it was obviously something big that Peter, Peter, and Peter came over to help." Ellen asks curiously.

"He was just really prying me about Connor's brother, Brady, and asking about him a lot. I think everyone here knows Brady and I dated for like, a week, and that reporter just kept asking and asking and asking, even Connor got mad at him." I tell her. "And then these 3 came over, told him to stop, and then when they left he just kept asking, so Connor blew up on him and we ended the interview."

"Wow, I'm so sorry about that." Ellen apologizes, earning a smile from me.

"Some paparazzi just don't know boundaries or when to quit." Jacob shrugs. "You have to learn to deal with those people, it comes with the job."

"Well, that leaves it as my turn. And it's actually a TikTok, so could we put it up on the big screen?" I request, Ellen nodding before I send her the TikTok link and she plays it on the big screen.


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