Yakuza Au: Cliche

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What a cliche way to get past trouble, it hadn’t been nearly two days and he’d already almost got caught. There were no security cameras in the cafeteria apparently, where this all had gone down. It was heavily guarded, therefore no cameras were needed. Ah, had he gotten lucky. He was dismissed quickly from the security room, but Kiao, was a different story. He saw as some of the CEOs dragged him off into the distance, in a random locked off corridor. William didn’t bother to pay heed to it, he was jovial he got away with such a dangerous task.

However, he paused in his tracks when a hand abruptly but gently grabbed his shoulder.

“Afton? I’m sorry for the misunderstanding, sincerely. This is not what I wanted one of my new members to experience.” A husky voice rang from behind him, and William eagerly looked back. He had a chance to look more closely at the man, and he certainly was different from most. Sharp icy eyes, blond hair, must he say very long, moreover it was tied into a messy ponytail, but his face was gentle and serene despite the intimidating appearance.

Marshall had wanted an actual description of the kumicho's appearance anyway, so William examined him while trying to appear casual. Should he try to sound innocent or tough? Just try neutral.

“It's fine, you still showed me respect and listened to my side of the story. It shows good leadership.” William let out a thin smile as he charmed the intimidating man with his honeyed tone.

“Ah? Well..” He grunted, “Never caught your name, what would it be by any chance?” The kumicho questioned him.

“William, what about you?” William continued their conversation while the other man opened the door for him, leading them both out of the corridor.

“Vincent, Vincent Clementine.” He followed after William, both of them passing by his main office and heading into the cafeteria.

The corner of William's mouth twitched in annoyance, why was he following him? Eh, probably trying to charm him. Perhaps, he's just suspicious of him and putting on an act, ah, he should be more careful around this lead then. But how should he not act suspicious? Probably get a tray of food and act casual, sit down at a table, answer any questions this bastard wanted to know.

Whenever William stopped, Vincent also stopped behind him. William was finding it peculiar. “So,” he started, “Would you like to tell me more things about your group? I think it would help me better adjust.” He requested, trying to settle their wavering awkwardness.

Vincent simply shrugged and beamed at him, “Nothing much. We don’t have any nemesis groups, nor allies. Hmm, this group is about twelve years old, I’m surprised so many leaders have kept it intact for so long.”

William nodded in agreement, deciding to take a different approach. “How long have you been leader?” He questioned.

Vincent pondered for a moment, “Not long, that’s for sure. Perhaps, three to five months?” He hummed, his eyes traveling back to meet the other man. “This clan was very accepting of me taking control of it while their main kumicho tended to important duties, which he still is of course. I don’t complain however, it’s pleasant always being in control and not demoted to a mere janitor.”

William raised an eyebrow, “Five months? Your guy’s kumicho has been gone that long?” He paused, “You’re not worrying or anything?”

The blonde-haired man shrugged, “You’d be surprised actually. This is one of his shorter missions, he’ll be back in no time.” Vincent looked up to catch William’s eyes before continuing, “Then you’ll finally have someone to follow who seems more.. responsible?”

The tone was odd, as if Vincent was humbling himself.

“Hm, no? I think you’re a great kumicho—” William blurted out, “I mean that the place is still stable, you've kept yourself from earning rivals, and you're more of a freewill leader, not very oppressive in my opinion.” He awkwardly smiled as he eyed the twitching man.

It seemed Vincent didn't bother to say anything at the compliments and ignored them.

Not used to being praised, William assumed.

“Well, it was fun meeting you,” he abruptly stood up. “However—,” he looked behind him. “I have something important to attend with another group.”

“Erm.. alright.” William hummed, continuing to twist the spoon in the gelid soup as Vincent turned around.

Nevermind, he turned around for a second time.

Vincent decided to add a few last words to their conversation, “We can go out somewhere as a make-up for what happened, or I could give you a tour around this place perhaps later. You did say you wanted to get to know our group a bit better.” It sounded more like a demand than a request.

However, William denied it anyway. “No—, sorry. I’m a bit busy tomorrow, and the day after that. And also the days after that.” He paused, “We can try next week though?”

Vincent nodded in a rush, “Next week it is.” He said before hurrying down a corridor to the right.

What a strange man.

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