Vampire Au: A Date

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Would he really consider this a session? Had Vincent only stayed at the therapy sessions because he found him attractive? William couldn't tell past those icy eyes. I mean, he should think of this as a date, correct? It was just.. surprising that Vincent asked to go out with him. William wondered if this man's problematic parents would even approve of him.

He glanced across the dining table, catching a quick view of Vincent’s sharp facial features in the sunlight. It shone across his jawline, heightening it and casting a faint glow along his blond bangs. When Vincent turned to look at him, the sun seemed to reflect his eyes as well. The icy blue of his soles turned warm amongst the stream of light. Or maybe it was just because the man was looking at him with adoration.

“Are you having fun so far?” Vincent questioned casually, intertwining their fingers together beneath the table.

William himself smiled at the sight of Vincent’s handsome grin, “I am.. the food here is great, besides it's.. so,” he paused his words to glance around the restaurant to think of the right word, “Expensive.”

He heard a faint chuckle from Vincent, “Indeed, beautiful things need to be awarded moreover.” Vincent separated their fingers to tug at William's cheek in a playful manner.

William’s eyebrows deepened, confused at what he meant, before his eyes widened in realization at the small flirt. His shoulders hunched slightly and he awkwardly smiled, “Ahah- yeah-..” Damnit, was he blushing now too? He cupped own face to hide it. However, he was distracted from his original thoughts when Vincent's finger traced his lips, his flushed cheeks becoming more obvious.

“You wear makeup, hm?” Vincent asked, rubbing some of the glittery lip gloss off of William's soft lips.

William felt his lips tremble at the touch and he instinctively pulled away from his hand, “I do- is there anything wrong with that-?” He genuinely questioned.

Vincent immediately shook his head, returning to eating the food that they were served, “No, in fact, it's my type. You look gorgeous with it.” He complimented with a sly smirk.

William frowned when his cheeks started to burn fiercely, biting his bottom lip and exhaling to calm himself. Since when did small little compliments make him feel like this? No way he was falling for this guy so soon and so hard. Ah- but he was awfully attractive, terribly hot (especially with his deep jazzy voice), very classy, flirty, and sweet. He couldn't lie and say he didn't hit the jackpot. Damn, he was starting to sound like a simp.

He took in a deep inhale to distract himself from his thoughts, traveling his eyes back down to his plate of food. He started to finish it and laid the fork by the napkin when he finished. He indeed felt much calmer now. Moreover, he looked up to see what Vincent was currently doing, the man had been quiet for about ten minutes now. It seemed that he had finished too, but he was busy on his mobile.

Should he interrupt? Why not? It was quite rude to be hogged on your phone in the middle of a date anyway.

“Clementine?” William called out his surname, “I think I should head home soon, it was nice meeting you.” His words definitely brought Vincent’s eyes up from the phone to his face.

“Oh? Alright then..” Vincent paused for a moment when he saw William pull his wallet out, “Don't worry about it darlin’, I'll pay.” He shooed William's hand away, pulling out his own leather wallet.

William gave an awkward nod and stood up, tucking his card back into his pocket before walking outside. It was only a moment before Vincent did the same thing, meeting him outside with a soft smile. “I suppose this is where we part ways? It was quite nice, sincerely.”

William chuckled with a slight nod, “Yeah, it was. Well, we best.. be going now, I can't wait to see you next week.” He muttered, hesitant of what to say.

He was relieved when Vincent agreed with his words and walked off in the opposite direction, exhaling happily. Maybe, just maybe, he was the one for him.

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