Afterflash Au: Slowpoke

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Vincent inhaled the fresh autumn breeze deeply, his front bangs flowing opposite to the wind direction. It was a pleasant twilight, not yet sunset. He was pulling the cart wagon forth that was filled with the items he had found on the scavenger hunt. His family needed new supplies desperately, so as the leader, of course he offered to go on the excursion. Which clearly was successful.

He had passed abandoned campsites, groups of fungus hanging override the trees, and the recent docile fields of the nearby prairie. The stench in those fields had become tantalizing, most likely due to the dead bodies piled up near the sewers that neared it. Vincent needed to make a deal with that other group and burn the bodies. The blood could attract those monsters.

On a more joyful note, he had decided to bring William along; who was currently far behind him.

"William!" Vincent turned around and yelled down the path, stopping to catch his breath.

The owner of the name peeped out under the trees, groaning in vexation as his boots dragged against the wet muck of the dirt trail. He gave Vincent a hard stare in response.

"Hurry your pace up, slowpoke." Vincent exhaled, ordering William forward with a gesture of his hand.

William shook his head, "Tired.." He murmured under his breath.

"Oh? You want me to pick you up?" Vincent replied as he dropped the handle to the cart and grabbed William's waist with a tender touch.

William squeaked in protest when he felt his feet lift off the grass, but quickly adjusted himself. ".. What about the cart?"

Vincent gave him a soft amused smile, "I can handle both." He chuckled, holding onto Afton with one hand and the other to pull the wagon forward. "Besides, we don't have time to waste. It's getting darker." His head motioned toward the sky while he spoke, which was bloomed in a vibrant array of blue meeting the early sunset's yellow.

William sighed but gave a slight nod, pressing his brisk body further into Vincent's broad frame. The man felt fuzzy and sultry, their body heats mingling together and making William calm. It wasn't usual for them to have such a quiet and peaceful moment together, especially when it neared so close to winter. They always were busy or some stupid shit would always happen. But, it seemed not today.

After a few more minutes of walking, Vincent depressed his lips against William's earlobe, whispering softly, "I know an old house down the street, we could sleep there for tonight? It's too late to head back."

William scoffed, "Why ask me? Of course I'm going to say yes?" He shot him a gentle and playful glare, turning his gaze to the front when they approached the scrapped grubble of the pavement.

Vincent replied with a small shrug then a charming smile, "Good then, because we're here!"

He felt his feet touch the grass as Vincent put him down and sprightly followed suit when Vincent walked forward into the abandoned home, admiring the fancy three floors and the imbibed fungus that hung off the lights. It didn't look the most comfortable to sleep in, but it did look better than most of the houses William had been to. And had to sleep in. At least the house wasn't engrossed in fungus.

William stole a few more cherished glances at the gorgeous walls before he heard a calling whistle, looking back to find Vincent's crossed arms and ushering expression. "There's a clean place up here for us to sleep." He smiled lovingly, scooping William back into his strong arms and carrying him up the stairs.

They arrived inside a medium-sized bedroom and William was put down on the bed, Vincent climbing in as he lifted the covers over both of them. He kissed the man beside him goodnight, wrapped his arms around his waist, and pulled him close, embracing his warmth.

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