Vampire Au: Fourth Session

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Knock, knock.

"Agh- damnit, come in!"

William's brow furrowed at the sudden interruption but he straightened his clothes and stood up to meet the guest whom he invited in.


He wasn't expecting the man to come back again. For a fourth time. Wow, was he really that good of a therapist? His past clients usually prodded off in the opposite direction the moment they made contact. Not to mention how expensive each session was. Vincent must at least be rich.

"Hey, Clementine. How has your day been?" William asked with a casual wave of his hand, plopping back into his seat to face the sharp-jawed man in front of him who had now sat down.

Ah, the usual. His shoulders were slumped, he avoided eye contact with William, and he muttered a silent 'it was ok..'. It made William curious why an extremely attractive, possibly filthy rich, and pleasant guy would have so many issues, according to his portfolio. There had to be other problems, his parents couldn't be that terrible. William guessed he would just have to keep asking and prodding on, slowly but surely.

"Mhm, well that's great. Have your parents been off your back recently?" William questioned, blinking back at the broad computer screen to Vincent's sage eyes.

Vincent simply gave a half shrug, looking nervously to his knees.

William sighed, should he be blunt with it? Tell Vincent they're never going to get anywhere if he keeps behaving like this? No, that might drive him away. But, he would have to say something. "Well," William began, his face lightening up when he saw Vincent's eye bags less visible, "I see you've listened to my advice and got more sleep, hm?"

Vincent looked up at him, "I'm trying to make things better, for myself." He murmured before adding on, "Still unlucky with the lover thing though." He snorted in amusement at his own statement.

"Mhm.. why exactly are your parents in so much control of your life?" The therapist asked, simply just curious.

Vincent quite clearly gave him an odd glint, fidgeting with his fingers before rubbing his upper arms in a calming tactic. "Rich. They're rich. They control my money and everything, so I'm spoiled. And I actually do need them, so I listen to their demands. Their money improves my life, I don't necessarily want to push them away."

"I see." William thought for a moment. "So, their demands are you finding a wife? Is that it?" He reevaluated their past therapy sessions. "But, they are denying everyone you choose?"

Vincent slowly nodded as he thought of it himself.

"Alright, well, to get them off your back. What exactly do they want? What kind of partner? What do they prefer in that partner?" William smiled to himself while tapping his cheek with his finger, feeling as if they were slowly getting somewhere.

".. Not what I expected, but just a more.. rural type of person. Someone who isn't fancy rich like us, and is sweet I guess? They might be demanding but they want someone who is good for me." Vincent bit his lip, but quickly slipped his teeth back in.

"There are plenty of people like that around here, any specific reasons you're struggling?" William peered.

He shifted slightly in his cushion chair, "They only want to get with me because of my money. You know, they're rural, they're poor. If I got with a rich person, it might actually be true for me since they already have their own money. But, my parents refuse to see that point of logic."

"Ah, I see. Well, it seems you are also interested in finding a partner." William had noticed from the way he worded it all.

".. I am." Vincent stuttered, "I suppose."

"So, focus and go out on more dates. If love is so dire for you, lean on it more." William shrugged, not really thinking of a better solution for this man.


"Really.. well, then." Vincent spoke.

There was a long pause.


"May I ask for your number?" 

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