Chapter 13

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Warning: Self abuse
Brace urself for some vhope moments! *wink*wink*

Jhope's POV


That's what I feel these days. Ever since Taehyung's dead, I can't think straight. Sometimes Im silent & scared. Sometimes Im calm & smart.
All I ever thought is how it's all my fault that my best friend is dead. No, just a friend. I don't deserve to be his best friend. Im a bad best friend.

'U are worthless! Pathetic! U are just a burden to everyone.'

That voice keeps on haunting me & I keep listen to it. I don't know when I start to cut lines on my arms. It's painful but I feel better.

'It's ur fault that Taehyung dies! It's u to blame when Jin is dead!'

It's true. I saw how Jin hyung dead. But I didn't do anything about it. Im such a coward. That result of more cuts.




Why didn't I just kill myself, u ask? Oh cuz it's the killer's job. The killer always kills cruelly. That's why I decide to wait for my turn to die. That way I can finally rest in peace. Or not.

After we burried Jin hyung, I decide to make breakfast for everyone. As we eat (most of us eat forcely cuz don't have any appetite), Jungkook asks me why I always wear long sleeve shirt. I almost fail to answer him. Stupid me.




The rest of the day, I spend in my bedroom thinking about Taehyung & when will I die. I mean, why the killer take it so long? Or maybe he's planning something cruel for me. I hope it is. I fell asleep thinking those thoughts.



The voice. No it can't be. It's not...


The figure smile at me.

"That's right Hoseokkie."

"W-what is this?"

"This is a dream."

"A dream?.." I sigh in sadness.

"Hey, hey. No sighing. Where's my happy go lucky best friend goes?"

"He's gone with u... Taehyung, Im sorry. It is because of me that u died. I--"

"Shhh... It's okay. It's my choice to die anyway."


"No buts. Now let's play together!"

I smile & nod.


Jungkook's POV

Ever since Jin hyung's death, Jhope hyung is being blank. Today he just stare blankly at space. It starts to worry all of us. Does he can't accept Jin hyung's dead?

It getting night & Jhope hyung excuses himself to his bedroom to sleep. I feel relief that he knows he need some sleep. He's looking tired & worn out. Well, all of us are. But he's the worst. I hope he's feeling better tomorrow.

Jhope's POV

It's night time! I can't wait to see Taehyung! So I sleep...


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