Chapter 8

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a/n: Sorry for the late update! Don't blame WinterLoner but blame me,Lilipopgurl99. It's my turn to write the chapter. Oh, thanks for helping me to do this chapter, DinaJung ^.^ So to make up with the lateness, here's a long chapter~~ For ur opinion, is it long? Idk.....



Jhope's POV

"What is going on?" I came down to see something shocking.

"Kim Taehyung?!" I said and then all I see is black.

Jungkook's POV

Jimin hyung really scares us. I thought he's really V. JHope hyung is fainted and we carried him to his room.

"Jimin, what are you doing here?" Suga asked.

"Well.... Im bored alone at Seoul so I come here."

Jin's POV

"How do u get here? Is ur back are okay?" I asks Jimin.

"I come here by a fisherman boat. He's kindly offers to brought me here. My back is alright. It's not hurt anymore."

We all nod, hearing Jimin's explanation.

"Why do everybody look sad and gloomy? Is something wrong?" Jimin asked.

We stare at each other and we decided to tell him the truth.

"Jimin, Taehyung is dead." Suga said, calmly.

"What?! Hyung, you're kidding right? That alien? How come?" He said.

"Lot of strange things happened when you're not here." Rapmon said.

"How did he dead?" He asked again.

"He kill himself."


Then, Rapmon and Suga tells Jimin about what happened. (A/N: I'm too lazy to write about how V's dead and why he kill himself. You know right, why he's dead)

"And now we're investigating what is really happen. We didn't really believe V hyung kills himself..." Jungkook said, ended up the story.

"Hyung, I want to join investigate. I want to know who kill Taehyung!"

"Okay. Let's go!"

No One's POV

The boys are divided into two groups. Jin & Jungkook will take care of Jhope & then joins the investigation when Jhope's awake. The rest are investigating V's dead.

Suga's POV

We are now heading to the room where V kills himself.

Rapmon & I are walking at the front while the other three; Chunji, L.joe & Jimin walk at the back. I still wander why Jimin is here. As far as I know, last week he damaged his back so he didn't get to join us. But now that he's here, the villa feels different than before. It's not like I don't like Jimin or anything, but I feel like there's something wrong with him. It's like this is not the normal Jimin.

We then reach the room. We start to find suspicious things inside the room. This room is consists of a table, a knife & a window.

When I can't find any suspicious things, I start to observe Jimin. He's looking almost excitedly at all the things around the room.

"Do u guys find any weird things?" Rapmon asks.

We all reply, "No."

I keep on watching Jimin. He is checking every corners of the room for some clues. It seems like Chunji & L.joe are also observing Jimin cuz they look at him with judgement eyes.

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