The Return of an Old Friend

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The stress was starting to get to Hiro. These last 2 sleepless nights he had spent working incessantly would, with any luck, all be worth it soon. He hoped.

He stood back and examined his work. The carbon fiber skeleton, the advanced servos, the many circuits and wires. He checked Tadashi's original designs once more. Not a thing looked out of place.

It had taken him many trials and failures to get to this point. Tadashi, he had discovered, had not been too organized in his journals, nor had he written the whole process down.


It had been Three months ago when Tadashi had rushed back into that burning building to save someone who let him burn. Three months since the building had exploded. Three months since fire had taken his brother, his best friend.

Hiro shoved these thoughts to the side and wiped a tear off his cheek.

"No sense living in the past" He thought. He turned back to his creation and sighed. that was the reason he had spent so much time in the lab these past few months.

He was rebuilding Baymax.

It had also been 3 months since Baymax had sacrificed himself to get Hiro to safety. 3 months since he lost the robot his brother had created. 3 months since he lost another best friend.

"But," Hiro thought with a slight smile, "Three months since I found his healthcare chip."

That part, to be honest, had been an accident. He had been sure that his friend was gone for good. Only to find that Baymax had slipped Hiro his healthcare chip! He had immediately set out to rebuild the body.

And here it was. This would be his 8th attempt. He put the chip in its place. He stood back.


He watched in disbelief as the robot flickered to life and inflated. He held his breath, hoping to hear those familiar words...

"Hello, I am Baymax, your personal healthcare companion. Hello Hiro."


Hiro rushed up and threw his arms around the big, cuddly robot.

Baymax hugged him back. Hiro felt his eyes tearing up from joy.

"I thought I'd never see you again..." He managed to choke out, his voice coming out muffled because his head was pressed against Baymax.

He felt Baymax pat his head. "Everything is alright. There, there."

Hiro pulled back and beamed up at him. "You're right, buddy! Everything is great!"

Baymax tilted his head. "Your adrenaline levels are depleted, and your epinephrine levels are low. Diagnosis: Exhaustion."

Hiro rubbed his neck. "Yeah, I guess I am. I didn't go to sleep last night, I was trying to fix you."

"A boy of your age should get a minimum of 8 to 9 hours of sleep every night, to ensure health and proper growth."

Hiro laughed. "Yep, you're definitely back alright."

He clapped his hands. "Oh, this is great! Just wait until the rest of the team finds out!"

He stopped. The team had no idea he had been working on Baymax. Every time one of them came into his lab he had covered up Tadashi's notes on Baymax and replaced them with a different project. It just hadn't seemed fair to get their hopes up, especially when he didn't even know if he could do it.

But he had!

Suddenly, a plan formed in his head. He smiled. This was gonna be fun. He told his plan to Baymax, who only stopped him once to ask why they were whispering. At that moment, there was a knock on the door, making Hiro jump.

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