Just Call Us the Big Hero 6

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Gogo sped down the sidewalk, dodging pedestrians and signs. She was just a few yards behind the robber, and gaining fast. He had made the mistake to run, and she had taken off after him. Wasabi and Honey Lemon had disabled his runaway car, Wasabi slashing the tires and Honey Lemon encasing the lower portion of the car in a thick goo. That had made it stop, and the 3 bank robbers had taken off on foot. Hiro and Baymax had already gotten one, Fred had the other cornered. This left her to catch this one.

"Piece of cake." She thought to herself as he turned into an alleyway. From experience she knew it was a dead end. She turned and slid to a stop. He was trying to get over the fence by standing on a trash can.

Gogo took out one of her disks and threw it. It knocked over the trash can, causing the robber to fall. He scrambled up.

Gogo stepped forward. "Leaving so soon?" She asked.

The guy backed up. He reached behind his back and pulled out a gun, pointing it at her.

"D-don't come any closer!" He said. The gun was shaking. "I-I'll shoot!"

Gogo faked a yawn. "Oh no, a gun. Yeah, FYI dude, we've dealt with way worse than a little gun."

He was confused. "We?"

Gogo smiled knowingly. "Yes. We. Hit it, Wasabi."

Instantly Wasabi jumped out of the shadows and sliced the crook's gun in half. The guy yelled in surprise, jumping backwards, only to find Hiro and Baymax landing right behind him. He scrambled to one of the building's fire escapes, but was blocked by a wall of ice from a chem-ball thrown by Honey Lemon. He ran towards the other one, only to have Fredzilla land right in front of him, breathing a bit of fire for show.

The robber scrambled back into the middle as they closed in.

"Who ARE you guys?" He asked, terrified.

Gogo leaned in. "WE are the Big Hero 6." She said, right before a dart from Baymax's shoulder gun knocked the robber out cold.

They flew his unconscious body back to the bank he had robbed, where the police had already put the other 2 robbers in squad cars. After he had been out where he belonged, a cop turned to them.

"Thank you so much for your help, but the city will want answers. Who should I say is responsible for the capture of these criminals?"

The team looked at each other. Then Hiro spoke.

"Just call us the Big Hero 6." He said. The cop's eyes bulged a bit in recognition of the name.

"O-ok. I will. Thank you for your help, Big Hero 6." He said, getting into the drivers seat of his squad car. As he turned it on, he took one last look at the heroes responsible for thwarting the bank robbers.

Only there was no one in sight.

The cop did a double take, then wiped his brow. "Better get these three to the jailhouse." He muttered to himself, driving away.

The team watched all this from the top of a nearby building. They watched the cop car drive away, and then turned to each other. Fred started jumping up and down excitedly.

"That was-!" He began, only to be shushed by the rest of the team. He stopped.

"Wait till we get home, Fred. We don't want anyone catching on, do we?" Hiro said with a smile.

They all agreed and hurried to Fred's house. Fred fumbled around looking for the key in his pocket, since Heathcliff wasn't there to open the door for them. He finally found it, and they all dashed inside.

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