A Visit to the Crash Site

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The Big Hero 6 arrived at the crash site in less than ten minutes. It wasn't hard to spot. There were 4 squad cars already at the scene, lights flashing, and the police had already closed off most of the roadway, since evidence was all over the street. A crowd of reporters and normal civilians had gathered on the outside of the yellow tape the police had set up, curious.

Baymax landed them just behind the crowd, to avoid messing anything up. As they approached the police tape, the people stared in awe and parted to let them through, whispering to each other. Hiro suspected that they would not be leaving without being forced into an interview.

Meanwhile, Gogo was slightly on edge. She didn't like crowds. She was okay with people, just not crowds. Crowds meant close quarters, and close quarters meant slow moving. Gogo did not like slow. But, she put on her brave face (even though it was hidden by her helmet), and followed Hiro to the police tape.

They were let through immediately, by a small deputy who was just like the crowd, in awe. Most people had heard stories about the Big Hero 6; they had seen them on TV, but never in person.

The police had gathered together as soon as they had seen Baymax land, and Hiro walked up to where the chief of police was standing.

The chief's name was Warren Glen. He had been chief of police since as long as anyone in San Fransokyo could remember, and had a reputation for being one of the greatest policemen of all time. He was in his late 50s, and had a bushy grey mustache to match his hair. Chief Warren was also a stout fellow, and came about even with Gogo's height. His uniform fit rather snugly around his midriff, but he refused to get it resized, saying the tightness of his uniform was the only thing that motivated him to stay true to his diet.

Chief Warren smiled at them.

"Well, if it isn't San Fransokyo's very own protectors!" He boomed loudly as he shook each of their hands. "The Big Hero 6!"

"That's us." Hiro said in a friendly voice. The chief looked at them all.

"It's an honor, it really is." Chief Warren said respectfully, stepping back after he was done shaking hands. "What brings you guys here?"

"Well," Hiro began slowly. "This crash, it interests us. What can you tell us about it?"

"To be honest, not much I can tell ya." Chief Warren admitted. "We only arrived on the scene about 20 minutes ago, haven't had much time to go into details. But I can tell ya this: this was no accident." He looked them up and down. "And judging by the fact that you guys came here to investigate as well, I'd guess you all agreed with me."

Hiro nodded. "I would say it is safe to assume that."

"Not an accident?" Wasabi asked curiously. "What makes you think that?"

"Well, many things, starting right over here at this stoplight." The chief said, motioning for them to follow him. "First off, this stoplight has been tampered with. Hasn't turned green in the 20 minutes we've been here."

He walked a few feet further. "Also, the skid marks here, here, and here, show proof of a high-speed collision, easily exceeding 60 miles per hour. Speed limit around here is 40."

He continued to walk down the road. "Now, as we can best figure out from the skid marks and tire patterns, there were at least 4, maybe 5, cars involved. But only one car seems to get hit."

"That does seem a bit suspicious." Honey Lemon conceded.

"Thirdly, this guardrail is all twisted up, and it's a good ways away from the first collision. Judging by the skid marks and debris, there were several collisions. This means that whoever was hit was trying to get away."

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