Apartment Ambush

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It was dark by the time the Big Hero 6 were converging on Gogo's apartment building.

They were trying to surprise the man, so stealth was the key. Hiro had Baymax land in a small grove of trees next to the building and they all hopped off.

The darkness helped a lot, as the only light came from the moon, which was covered by the clouds. There were street lamps, too, but those were easy to avoid.

Gogo was the first to reach the building, having known the terrain better than the rest.

Honey Lemon got on Fred's back and he jumped them both up to the third floor, where they hurried to get to the stairs.

Wasabi had joined Gogo as they ran up the stairs.

Hiro got back on Baymax and he flew them to the fifth floor, where they met silently with the rest of the team.

The goal of splitting up was twofold: the first was to remain unseen. As a group, they were way easier to spot. The second goal was to cut off any escape routes the man might have. They had his apartment surrounded.

They cautiously walked to the door. Apartment number 527. Hiro signed to Gogo, making sure this was the right place. She nodded.

"Okay Baymax, now!" He whispered.

Baymax kicked the door open, causing it to fall off its hinges. The team rushed in and took battle stances.

"Freeze!" Hiro shouted, ready to fight.

It was dark. There was no one in sight. Hiro put his hands down. He looked at the rest of the team.

"Spread out, he could still be hiding in here."

They searched the apartment, but found absolutely no one.

"Hiro?" Gogo called from the living room. Hiro rushed over.

There was no one in there except them, but right in front of the TV was a camera on a tripod, recording them. On top of it was a remote. Hiro picked it up. There was a note on it.

"Press me." Hiro read. By then the rest of the team had joined them.

"The apartment is clear." Wasabi reported. "No one in sight."

Hiro nodded.

"Let's see what this does then." He said, preparing to push the button.

"Wait," Honey Lemon said. "What if it's a trap?"

"Well, if he wanted to set a trap, we probably would already be stuck in it." Hiro reasoned. "But still, be prepared everyone." He pressed the button.

The TV turned on, and a man's voice came from the speakers.

"Hello, Big Hero 6." It said. They gasped in surprise.

"I must congratulate you on your near-capture of me. Very impressive. Not many people have gotten this close."

There was a pause, then the voice continued.

"I hope you realize the danger you could have been in, had you caught me. My identity is on a need-to-know basis, and you certainly do not need to know yet. I would have been forced to fight you guys to remain anonymous, which would draw my time away from far more important things."

"Well, that makes me feel special." Gogo muttered. The recording continued.

"I also hope you realize I could have easily set a trap for you guys, and obtained DNA from you in order to figure out the rest of you all's identities."

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