Hiro's Idea

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Hiro sat down at his work station in the Lab. School had started up again, after finding someone to replace Callaghan. But because he and the team were in SFIT's "Advanced Course" classes, they were given plenty of free time to work on projects in the Lab.

He spread out sheets of designs and complex equations on his desk, trying to figure out what to do to his suit. Everyone else's suits had been so easy to think of, why couldn't his be the same?

He sat at his desk, shuffling through idea after idea. His trash can became so full of rejected ideas that it began to overflow. He banged his fists on his desk in frustration. Then there was a knock on his door.

"Come in." He said. Gogo opened the door and stepped in.

"Hey, we just ordered pizza for lunch. Should be here any minute now." She said.

"Thanks," Hiro said. "I'll be out soon."

Gogo crossed the lab and looked at his desk, then his trash can. "Tough coming up with ideas, huh?"

Hiro sat up. "Yeah, it's impossible. How did you know?"

She laughed. "This is the way my workplace looked when I was designing the mag-lev bike. Still does actually."

Hiro smiled. Her workplace was the only one that just might be able to compete with his in the mess factor. Honey Lemon's chemicals tended to melt any stray papers, Wasabi was a clean freak, and Fred, well, Fred didn't really have a workplace.

"Yeah, you got that right." He joked. She punched his arm.

"Ouch!" He said, rubbing it.

"Cmon, I barely tapped you." She said smiling.

"What seems to be the problem?" Baymax had activated when Hiro had said 'ouch' and was inspecting Hiro's arm.

"Nothing's wrong, Baymax." Hiro said, "Everything's ok."

Baymax let go of Hiro's arm. "You have slight swelling on your right arm. I will scan for broken bones."

"Don't scan me." Hiro said, pointing his finger at Baymax.

"Scan complete."

"Do you ever listen to me?" Hiro asked, exasperated.

"There are no broken bones. I cannot charge or deactivate until you say you are satisfied with your care." Baymax continued.

"I am satisfied with my care Baymax."

Baymax shuffled back to his charging port.

Hiro looked at Gogo, who was holding in a laugh.

"What? What's so funny?" He asked.

"It's just so funny how protective he is of you." She said, finally laughing.

Her laugh made Hiro's heart soar, even if she was kinda laughing AT him. Or Baymax.

Before he could say anything more, Wasabi poked his head in. "Pizza's here." He told them.

They walked out and sat on the couches with their food. They had redesigned the lab somewhat, adding a small rectangular pit in the floor that the couches were set in along the edges, facing the large TV.

It was cool.

They all began talking and eating. Honey Lemon was jabbering on about a new formula she had tried this morning to anyone who would listen, and Fred was telling Wasabi and Gogo about the new comic he was reading, Ant-man.

"He's so cool. He can shrink down to whatever size he needs, AND he can control ants! How cool is that? And he's got MAD NINJA SKILLS." He did a little chopping motion with his hands. "You guys should make something that can shrink stuff!"

"Sorry Fred, that would be physically impossible." Gogo said. "It defies the law of the conservation of mass..."

"But Ant-Man did it!" Fred countered.

Wasabi looked at Fred. "Remember that time when we talked about how you can't always believe everything you read?"

"Pfsh, that's only for real books. These are GRAPHIC NOVELS. They tell the tales of our super heroes!" Fred continued, undeterred.

Gogo was about to say something else when Hiro stopped her. "Well, what we are saying is that we can't do that."

Fred's face fell for a second. "Oh." He perked back up. "Too bad! That would be something you could do to your suit, Hiro. Just think about it! No one would be able to see you coming!"

Hiro froze. That phrase. It gave him an idea. "Fred, say that again."

"Too bad! That would be-" Fred began.

"No, no. That last part." Hiro clarified.

"Oh! No one would be able to see you coming!" Fred said confidently.

Hiro jumped up and ran to his lab, yelling, "Be right back!" over his shoulder.

He ran in and drew a quick sketch on a notepad. Then he ran back.

"What got you so worked up? Gogo asked, curious.

"What Fred said about not being seen. It gave me an idea." He showed them his sketch.

They stared. Finally Wasabi spoke. "Hiro, this... This has never been done."

"As far as I know, scientists have barely come close." Gogo said.

"Electro-mag suspension on a bike and lasers that cut anything hadn't been done either." Hiro said.

"Do you think you can do this?" Honey Lemon asked.

"I sure can try." He answered.

Gogo stood up. "Well, I guess we all know what Hiro's doing this week."

Hiro smiled. "I'd better get started then."

He went back to his lab, as did the rest of the team, leaving only a very confused Fred examining the sketch at every angle.

"It just looks like a bunch of lines to me." He said.

Honey Lemon laughed in her workstation. "You'll see soon Fred. I hope."

This one is a bit short, I know. I just felt that that was a good point to end the chapter. Thanks to all my readers! Please feel free to comment, and vote on which chapters you like! The more I know the better I can make the story. Anyway, disclaimer time.

Disclaimer #1: I do not own Big Hero 6, or any of the characters. Nor do I own Ant-Man.

Disclaimer#2: If it seems like I am bashing Ant-Man, I assure you I am not. I loved that movie.

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