Baymax's New Armor

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Hiro and Baymax walked up the steps to Fred's house. When they reached the door, Hiro knocked. Heathcliff opened the door.

"Hello Master Hiro and Robot, please come inside."

Hiro and Baymax stepped in, Baymax gave Heathcliff a fist bump.


Heathcliff walked upstairs and knocked on Fred's door. "Master Frederick, some of your dinner guests have arrived."

Hiro couldn't hear Fred's response, but the door opened and Fred flew down the stairs excitedly, sliding down the railing.

"What's up my amigooooooos!!!!"

He landed at the bottom and ran over to them. "Did ya hear that? That's French for 'Bros'."

Hiro laughed. "Fred, I don't know where you're getting all these translations from, but-"

He was interrupted by another knock at the door. Fred ran past him and threw it open.

"Wasabi! Bro! Come on in!" Fred yelled as Wasabi stepped in, looking around.

"I swear this place looks bigger than last time we were here." He said after greeting everyone.

Fred paused. "Hmmm. I don't know about bigger, but Heathcliff HAS been doing some home improvement!" He said, nudging the butler.

Heathcliff looked at Fred. "Master Frederick, would you excuse me? I must go check on the brownies."

"Sure thing, Heathcliff! Go do your stuff!" Fred answered.

Hiro stepped up. "Hey Fred, is it ok if Baymax puts something in your room for later? It's out in the driveway right now."

Fred nodded. "Sure, bro!" He turned to Baymax. "What is it?"

Baymax looked at Hiro, then back to Fred. "Hiro says it should be a secret." He said in his monotone robotic voice. He waddled out to retrieve it.

Just then there was another knock on the door. Wasabi, being the closest, answered it.

"Hey Honey Lemon, hey Gogo." He said as they came in.

"Hello everyone!" Honey Lemon said, giving a small wave.

Just then Heathcliff entered. "Dinner is ready when you are ready, Frederick."

"Alright, let's go eat!" Fred said, running to the dining room.

Dinner went by smoothly, the team having fun just being together. About an hour had passed before Gogo looked at Hiro and said:

"So, why'd you call this meeting? I just realized you never told us."

Hiro fidgeted in his chair. "Um, maybe it would be easier if I showed you all. It's in Fred's room."

"Well, we're all done eating, why don't we go take a look?" Wasabi said. The rest of them agreed.

They walked up to Fred's huge room. Sitting in the middle of the floor was what appeared to be a large metallic suitcase on wheels.

"Whoa, dude, what's in this?" Fred asked, bending down to look closer.

Hiro smiled. "Baymax, would you like to show them?"

Baymax waddled in front of the suitcase. "May I tell them the secret now, Hiro?"

Hiro nodded. Baymax looked at the team. "Hiro has made me new armor"

"That?" Gogo asked, a bit skeptical. "Doesn't look like much."

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