Who is That Man?

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"The man introduced himself as Agent Earl Jones, from the FBI." Krei said to the team. "He came in unannounced, asked a few questions, then left after I denied any connection with you guys."

"Sounds like the government to me." Gogo muttered. The rest of the team snickered.

Hiro leaned back in his chair, thinking. "No, that's too simple. There must have been something else."

Everyone looked at him.

"What do you mean?" Wasabi asked.

Hiro looked around at all of them. "Think about it: why would a government agent, or anyone, take the time to drive to downtown San Fransokyo, enter Krei Technologies without being detected, wait for who knows how long in Krei's office, just to ask a few questions then leave?"

"What are you saying?" Honey Lemon asked.

"Well, what if he already had gotten what he came to get?" Hiro asked. "What if his mission was to do something else, and asking Krei those questions was just a bonus?"

"What do you think his mission was then, Hiro?" Krei asked curiously.

Hiro looked at him.

"I don't know." He finally admitted.

There was a moment of silence. Then Krei spoke.

"Well, we can pretty much rule out this guy being a real FBI Agent." He said. This got their attention.

"Whoa! How do you know that?" Fred asked excitedly.

"I had my guy in the FBI check out the agent records." Krei said. "A little favor he owes me. Anyway, while he told me that all missions are classified, he said he could tell me with certainty that this guy was not who he claimed to be.

"Why, because there never was an Agent Earl Jones?" Wasabi asked.

Krei let out a short laugh. "Oh no, there was an Agent Earl Jones." He said. "But he died in 1997. He definitely was an FBI agent, though."

"But... why pretend to be someone who's dead?" Honey Lemon asked. "Wouldn't it be easier just to make someone up?"

To everyone's surprise, it was Gogo who answered.

"No, not in this case." She said. "This man needed files that looked legit from a distance, and what better way to do that than to use the files of people who are already dead? A closer look would make it clear that he was faking, but not many people look too closely."

They all stared at her. Then Wasabi voiced everyone's question.

"Um, Gogo? How do you know that?"

Gogo smiled. "You guys don't know everything about me."

They still stared. She sighed.

"Relax, it was nothing illegal."

"Good enough for me!" Fred said, returning to his meal.

Hiro turned to Krei. "So now we need to figure out who this man really is. Did any of your security cameras see him?"

Krei smiled. "I thought you'd never ask."

He pulled down a projector screen and turned on the projector. His laptop was already hooked up.

"The glimpses are few and short, but they can still help." He said as it loaded.

The man was walking down the hall at a faster pace, towards Krei's office and cleverly keeping out of sight.

"Pause it!" Hiro said. Krei paused it, and Hiro looked closely.

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