The News

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The sound rang throughout the dark apartment, echoing off the almost bare walls. In the bedroom, a figure shifted on the bed, reaching his arm out, searching for the alarm clock. Upon finding it, he blindly searched for the off button, finally finding it. The ringing stopped. He relaxed back into his bed.


A metal fist slammed down on the poor alarm clock, crushing it completely. Then it was silent. The figure shifted again, and was just about to fall back asleep when...


His eyes snapped open, one of them glowing red. He jerked up into a sitting position and looked around to find the source of the noise. His eyes finally settled on the landline phone mounted on the wall. His eye stopped glowing.


He stood up and walked over to the phone, grumbling. Then he answered it.

"What?" He growled into the phone.

"Well good morning to you too." The voice at the other end answered. "Is this line secure?"

The man shifted, checking his surroundings. "It's a direct encrypted landline, so yeah, it is."

"We have a new assignment for you."

The man paused, then smiled. "About time, I was beginning to think I'd been forgotten."

"We decided to give you a few days off." The voice answered.

The man held the phone closer to his ear. "What's the assignment?"

"It's a standard 0-0-4. Relatively unknown group right now in your area. We want you to find them."

"Ok, what's the group called?"

"Have you heard of The Big Hero 6?" The voice replied.

The man nodded, but realized the person on the other end couldn't see him. "I'm familiar with them. But I think you're a little late for the 0-0-4. They dropped off the grid 3 months ago. No sign of them since."

"Until last night."  The voice on the other end stated. "Which is why we decided to open the 0-0-4. Your job is to find out who they are and report back to me."

The man nodded. "Give me a week or two." He spoke into the phone. "I'll find them."

"Good." Said the voice on the other end. Then he hung up. The man looked at the destroyed alarm clock and sighed.

"Looks like I need another new clock."


Gogo was the first to wake up. She looked around.

They were all still in Fred's media room. The TV was still on, although it was just replaying the menu of the last movie they had watched over and over. The TV lit the room in a dim glow, enough for Gogo to make out the sleeping forms of her teammates.

She shifted and felt something pressed against her back. Or rather, someone. She jerked upright any turned around to find it had been Hiro's back. A blush instantly came to her cheeks.

"Oh my gosh, did we sleep like that ALL NIGHT??" She thought to herself, embarrassed. "What if someone SAW??"

Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she realized just how dry her throat was. Deciding to go get some water from the kitchen, she climbed out the door and stood up, stretching. She walked downstairs into the kitchen.

She grabbed a water bottle from the fridge, and began to drink.

"Good morning, Miss Tomago." A calm voice said behind her.

Gogo choked on the water, coughing and spilling a bit on herself as she whirled around in surprise, her free hand jumping into a fighting stance. Sitting at the table behind her, reading the newspaper and completely calm, was Heathcliff. She relaxed and tried to calm herself.

"Heathcliff! I didn't know you'd be back yet." She said, trying to mask the fact that he had startled her.

"My plane arrived in San Fransokyo this morning." Heathcliff answered, still reading the paper. "Is Master Frederick alright?"

Gogo nodded. "Uh, yeah, why do you ask?"

Heathcliff turned the paper around and slid it towards her, showing her the front page. "Because it looks like you all have kept busy." He said in his British accent.

Gogo looked at the headline: "NEW HEROES IN TOWN". Half of the page was taken up by a picture of her and the rest of the team, with the caption: "This armor-clad group, identifying themselves as the Big Hero 6, captured the culprit of a string of bank thefts across the state last night."

Gogo looked up at Heathcliff. His poker face was impossible to read.

"Did any one of you get hurt last night?" He asked.

Gogo shook her head. "No, just a little sore at most."

Heathcliff stood up, straightening his suit. "I trust that Master Frederick and the rest of you know what you are doing, but do feel free to consult me. And do not worry, your secret is safe with me." He said, turning on the oven. "Please let Master Frederick and the others know breakfast will be ready at 10:00."

Gogo nodded. She began to walk towards the stairs when she heard Fred's yell.

"Gogo! GOGO! Gogo get up here! YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS!" He yelled, running to the edge of the stairs and frantically beckoning her up.

Gogo ran up the steps. "What's the big deal, Fred?" She asked.

Fred ran towards the media room. "The rest of the team is already watching! Come on, HURRY! Before it's over!" He yelled, tripping on the doorframe to the media room. Gogo came in and saw the whole team staring at the Tv, which was playing the news.

"...were stopped by a group of masked fighters with seemingly inhuman capabilities." A news reporter was saying. "Eyewitnesses claim that the 6 members had different "powers". Marc Cameron, who was at the bank during the robbery, stated this over a phone interview: 'One of them had lasers for hands. Another could just disappear completely. There was one that was really big, and super-strong. There were more, too, but those were the only ones I could see while staying down.'"

The news reporter looked back to the camera. "The police say that this group has identified themselves as "the Big Hero 6", a name all of us in San Fransokyo remember from 4 months ago. But who are the Big Hero 6? Are they new protectors of San Fransokyo, or will they disappear again like last time? Stay tuned for the latest news on the Big Hero 6 and more, on San Fransokyo News."

The screen changed to a commercial. The team all looked at each other. Then they all smiled. "Guys. We were just on the news" Wasabi said. 

Fred laughed. "That was so awesome! We were on TV!"

Hiro was also smiling, but mumbled under his breath: "They're helmets, not masks."

Gogo laughed and sat next to him. "I'm sure she meant well."

Hiro laughed at her joke. "Probably."

They were interrupted by Heathcliff telling them breakfast was ready. They all got up and went downstairs to a great meal, and a great time together.

Hey y'all! (Yes I'm from Texas). Yes, it's me. It's been a while hasn't it? I'll be honest: I've had writer's block for the LONGEST time. Not to mention schoolwork and a bunch of other things I have to do, which sucks. Anyway, I introduced a new character. I hope you guys like him, if you don't let me know. Also, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO COMMENT/VOTE. I NEED IDEAS.

Thank you for reading!

Until next time. :)

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