That Night (And the Next Morning)

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Night time came and the team said their goodbyes, each heading to their separate homes.

When Hiro got to the Lucky Cat Cafe, he was greeted by Baymax.

"Hello Hiro, welcome home. How was the restaurant?"

"It was good, buddy." Hiro answered, smiling. "Is Aunt Cass already asleep?"

"She went to bed approximately 45 minutes ago and has already fallen asleep." Baymax told him, following him upstairs.

"Good," Hiro said, sitting at his computer. "That gives me a little time to work on improving the team's armor." He pulled up a diagram with the designs for Baymax's suit.

Aunt Cass had no idea about the Big Hero 6. She always assumed that it was a tv show, and Hiro was fine with that. He didn't know yet if he should tell her. The identities of the Big Hero 6 were still a secret. Following the defeat of Yokai, the team gained a lot of publicity, yet no one knew who they were. The publicity died off a bit when the team didn't make an appearance for a few months, mourning the loss of Baymax. The they began to do patrols at night in groups of 2. But San Fransokyo was a big city, and without Baymax to fly them around their patrols didn't do much good.

"But now that Baymax is back," Hiro thought, "we can do better."

He hadn't yet revealed Baymax's new and improved armor to the team yet, he was still working out the bugs. Hopefully he would finish it tonight.

Although he was getting pretty tired...
Hiro tried to keep working but was too exhausted. He fell asleep, his head resting on the keyboard. Baymax got a blanket and put around Hiro.

"Goodnight, Hiro." He said before going back to his charging station and deflating.


Gogo plopped down on a park bench, breathing heavily. She looked at her timer on her phone. 7 minutes and 6 seconds.

"Not bad for a mile." She thought to herself. It wasn't her best time, but it certainly wasn't her worst. She took a long drink from her water bottle that she took with her. She jogged or rode her bike every day she could. She liked the challenge of beating her own times and it was good exercise.

She took a moment to lay back and observe the beauty of the park. The birds were chirping, the squirrels chattering. It was so peaceful there. One could almost forget that they were in a big city. She felt her phone buzz. It was a group text.

Fred: Hey guys team party at my place tonight! Wooooo!

Hiro: Fred, party was not what I meant when I said we should get the team together. More like a dinner/meeting

Fred: Close enough! All I know is that the soda shall flow tonight!

Wasabi: What time?

Fred: Heathcliff normally makes dinner at 6, so maybe get here by 5 so we have time to hang!

Honey Lemon: I'll be there. :)

Hiro: Me too

Wasabi: Same

Gogo quickly sent a text.

Gogo: Count me in

She grabbed her water bottle and went to her apartment complex. She had reached the elevator when she saw the sign: OUT OF ORDER. She sighed. Unbelievable. She lived on the top floor. There were 8 floors.

"Well, more exercise I guess." She mumbled to herself as she began walking up the stairs.


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