Hiro's New Suit

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Hiro was in the zone. Everything was coming together so perfectly it surprised him. He had spent a long time researching every theory out there that had something to do with his idea. Most were flawed, but a few had been on to something.

He looked at his helmet, which was laying on his work desk. It looked pretty much the same as it had before, but he knew it was different. Underneath the hard armor was the control center for his new suit. It had to be just right, or else it wouldn't work at all.

The past few trials had failed. The trash can was full of rejected circuit boards. Hiro had a good feeling about this one though.

He had already finished the rest of the suit. In appearance, the only change he had made was to trade out the shorts for a full-body length suit, like everyone else on the team had. It sat in a pile on another table.

He put the last helmet panel in place, and screwed it in.

"Time to test this," he thought to himself. "16th time's a charm, right?"

He put the suit on and stood in front of a mirror, took a deep breath, pressed a button on his glove, and looked up. He disappeared completely! Almost in disbelief, he pressed the button again and sure enough, he reappeared in the mirror instantly! 

Hiro let out a shout of joy and jumped up, punching his fist in the air. He couldn't wait to show the team!

Meanwhile outside of Hiro's lab room:

Gogo decided she needed a break. Things were pretty normal in the lab, she had been working on her bike since her last class had let out, Honey Lemon was raiding the chemistry supply closet, Wasabi was organizing his tools again, and Fred was reading comic books. And, of course, Hiro was in his lab room working on his suit, which he had been doing for over a week.

"That nerd never takes a break." She thought to herself with a smile, sipping on an energy drink from the fridge in the lab's mini-kitchen.

She heard a noise like someone yelling, and was about to investigate when Hiro ran into the main lab wearing his suit, yelling like a maniac, obviously excited.

"Guys! GUYS! I did it! I ACTUALLY DID IT!" He yelled, running to the middle and jumping in the air.

He seemed to calm himself down. "I mean, I finished my suit!" He said with a nervous laugh. He was so cute when he was excited about something.

"Whoa, Gogo, get ahold of yourself." She thought, shaking her head. And joining the others.

"It's finished?" Wasabi asked, smiling.

"No way!" Said Honey Lemon.

Baymax came waddling in from his charging station. "I heard a sound of: distress, what seems to be the problem?"

"Nothing, Baymax," Gogo told him, chewing her gum and smiling. "Hiro's just a bit excited."

"I shall scan him for injuries."

Hiro started. "That's not necessary, Baymax-"

"Scan complete."

"Do you even hear me?" Hiro asked, putting a hand to his face, which Baymax ignored.

"Your adrenaline levels are high, along with your levels of serotonin. Diagnosis: Excitement."

"Told ya." Gogo said. She turned to Hiro. "So you got it to work?"

Hiro smiled again. "Yeah!"

Fred was staring at them. "I have absolutely no idea what you all are talking about."

"You'll see, Fred." Hiro said. "Or rather, you won't."

"Hiro if that was a pun it was lost on me." Fred said, still thoroughly confused.

With a smile, Hiro pressed the button on his glove, and turned invisible.

The whole team gasped, and Fred yelled: "Whoa, Hiro! Where'd you go, man!"

Baymax seemed confused. "Why do you ask that, Hiro is right there." He said, pointing at the place in between Wasabi and Fred. There was a laugh as Hiro reappeared, startling them both, Fred even tripped and fell back on the couch. 

Gogo's realized her mouth was open, and shut it. "Wait, how come Baymax could still see you?"

Hiro turned to her. "His sensors and eyes don't rely on sight alone. He has a thermal scanner installed as well, which is how he saw me."

"Hiro, that was amazing!" Honey Lemon said, shaking Gogo's arm. "Wasn't it, Gogo??"

Gogo took her arm out of Honey Lemon's grip. "It sure was," she said. "How did you do that?"

Hiro rubbed his neck. "The suit is fairly complex, but basically it uses special color-changing paint  and a series of tiny cameras to produce such a good camouflage that I disappear completely."

"Whatever it is, that was pretty AWESOME bro!" Fred yelled, seeming to have recovered from his shock.

"Thanks, Fred." Hiro said. He turned so he was looking at the whole team. "I'm gonna need everybody's helmets."

"Why?" Asked Gogo.

"Because while I was working on the suit, I thought about what if one of you guys accidentally hit me while I was invisible? So I'm gonna give you guys' helmets that will show me in heat vision when I turn invisible, so you'll know where I am."

"That's a good idea, Hiro!" Honey Lemon exclaimed.

"Guy! Do you know what this means??" Fred yelled excitedly. He struck a superhero pose. "The Big Hero 6 return, their story continues." He said in a dramatic voice.

Gogo rolled her eyes, but really, this whole superhero thing was exciting. And the name: 'The Big Hero 6' had kinda grown on them.

Hiro smiled. "We will need a place where we can meet and train in secret."

"Without risk of anyone watching us," Wasabi continued, "so that pretty much knocks out the lab."

"And with plenty of room for training," Gogo said, "so not the Lucky Cat Cafe."

Fred was getting more and more excited. "Guys!! We can use MY house! MY HOUSE! My parents are hardly ever in town anymore, and Heathcliff already knows about us, and there's plenty of room! It's perfect!"

Gogo stopped. Why hadn't they thought of that before? It had worked perfectly the first time!

Hiro looked around and saw everyone nodding. "Ok, Fred's house it is, then!"

"YES! Ah, guys, do you see this?? The second chapter in our story, the Big Hero 6: Reborn, stronger and more powerful than ever befor-"

"FRED." Gogo interrupted. "Don't get over-dramatic with this."

So what do you guys think so far?
Remember you can vote and/or comment! I would love to hear if you guys have any ideas so please feel free to tell me any head-canons you have or things like that. Ok, those being said, time for the disclaimer: Big Hero 6 has made the owners of the characters and movie title really rich. So I most definitely do not own the characters of the movie. I do own the plot to this book, although technically I'd have to copyright it first. Anyway, thanks for reading!

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