Rage on the Road

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The man with the metal arm was waiting at a stoplight. This morning, he had decided to take a drive around San Fransokyo to clear his head. He always thought better when he drove. But unfortunately, driving did not seem to be helping much this time. He was still hitting a brick wall, and that frustrated him. A lot. He was so close, he could feel it.

The man looked around, frustrated. He had been waiting at this stoplight for almost 2 minutes now, which normally wouldn't be a problem with him, except for the fact that there were no other cars in sight.

He was in the industrial district of San Fransokyo, and it was early in the morning, so less traffic was to be expected. But no traffic? In San Fransokyo? That was HIGHLY unlikely. Suddenly, his gut twinged. Something was wrong. He had to get out of there.

He had just made up his mind to run the red light anyway when he heard the sound of a speeding car engine to his right. He turned just in time to see the grill of a hummer right before it crashed into the side of his SUV, smashing windows and causing his airbags to go off.

"Agh!" The man yelled, holding his head in pain. He heard the hummer back up.

He was just coming to his senses when the hummer slammed into the SUV a second time, causing all sorts of alarms on his dash to go off.

The man was just getting over his daze again when he heard another car engine behind him. He looked up into his rearview mirror to see another black hummer hurtling towards him. Adrenaline coursed through his veins as he snapped to action. He had to leave NOW.

Quick as a flash, he shifted his car into gear and floored it before the hummer was able to meet its target.

He sped away, and the hummer gave chase. He looked in the rearview mirror to see it gaining on his damaged car.

"Onstar, what's your emergency?" Said a voice from the dash. The man cursed under his breath. The crash must have activated the car's emergency contact system. He did not need any other people to show up.

"No emergency!" He yelled. Suddenly there was a burst of machine gun fire from the car behind him and he instinctively ducked his head.

The burst left several craters in the back window, but fortunately his organization had opted to go for the mostly-bulletproof vehicles.

"Sir, is that gunfire?!" The voice from the dash asked frantically. Great.

"No emergency!" He repeated. "Everything is fine, good day!"

He reached for the disconnect button, taking his eyes off the road for a split second.

That was a mistake.

He looked up just in time to see another hummer speeding right at him for a head-on collision.

He swerved to miss the hummer and lost control of the vehicle. There was a loud bang as the back tire popped and the car started sliding sideways.

It slammed into a guardrail, almost tipping over it, then crashing back down to the ground.

Blinking the spots out of his eyes and in immense pain, the man looked to his right to see the first hummer speeding to slam into the side of his car.

The computer in his head did some calculations in a millisecond, and the man knew there was no way out of this one. He braced for impact.

The hummer collided with the side of his car in a shower of broken glass and car parts. With a noise so loud the man thought his eardrums would burst, the SUV was knocked over the guardrail and flipped end-over-end down the grassy slope.

Over and over it rolled, parts flying off it with every turn, until it finally crashed to a stop in the field at the bottom.

When the man came to, the car was upside down and flames had started licking the inside of the car. Coughing from the smoke, he punched the passenger side door off its hinges with his metal arm and crawled out.

A few feet in front of him was a boulder. He looked back. The people that had been chasing him had all gotten out of their hummers and were watching his car burn. They hadn't seen him yet.

The man dragged himself towards the boulder. All of the sudden, his gut churned and he got the message: get out now.

With one final jump, he landed behind the boulder just as there was a loud explosion behind him. A large fireball erupted into the sky.

He peeked around the rock, breathing heavily.

The car was no longer there. Instead there was a smoking crater. Back up on the hill, one of the men was putting down what looked to be a grenade launcher. Then the men high-fived each other, and loaded up into the only hummer that wasn't damaged, and drove away.

He leaned back against the rock, panting. He was sore all over. There were multiple cuts and bruises all over his body. His internal scanners reported that he had 2 broken ribs and a broken collarbone.

But he still had work to do.

He dug out his phone, which miraculously seemed unharmed, and dialed a number. He held it up to his phone.

"Status update?" A man's voice on the other end asked, sounding a bit surprised. The man with the metal arm didn't blame him, he was not due to check in for at least 3 more days.

"Get me Rey." He commanded. The voice on the other end spluttered.

"Director Garant?" The voice asked nervously. "I'm afraid she's busy-"

"Did I stutter?" The man growled into the phone. "Get. Me. Rey. Now."

"Y-yes sir!" The person on the other end said.

There was a moment of silence in which the man with the metal arm closed his eyes and took deep breaths. Then the voice returned.

"Turns out her time just opened up, sir. I'm patching you through now."

There were a few seconds of silence, then a beep and another voice spoke.

"Grant?" Came the sharp ringing of a young woman's voice. "Our intel reports that your vehicle has sustained very large amounts of damage. What happened?" Then, in a softer voice, "Are you okay?"

The man, or Grant, coughed and held a hand up to his head. When he brought it back down there was blood on it. Great. He took a breath.

"No, Rey, I'm not okay." He admitted. He coughed. "None of us are now. There's a third party involved."

He coughed again and blinked a bit of blood out of his eyes. Then he continued.

"And they already know way more than they should."


Hey guys!

I know, I know, it's been awhile. But I promise I have not forgotten about you guys! It's just that I've been having major writer's block these past few weeks, and I have schoolwork, and all that good stuff. Plus, I am now currently working on 4 separate fanfictions from 4 different fandoms! It's tough!

I apologize for the short chapter, I really wanted it to flow well and it didn't seem as good with some of the other stuff I originally had in.

So, about this chapter: now we know the man's name! Grant. But who does he work for? Who's Director Garant? What's her relationship to Grant? And who is this third party? What will this mean of the Big Hero 6? Stay tuned for all that and more!

Questions/suggestions/concerns? Please feel free to comment and vote! Let me know if I'm doing good or not. :)

About the picture at the beginning, that actually is from Nick Fury's windshield in Captain America II: Winter Soldier. But I thought it looked cool lol.

Alright, I think that's it for now. So long until later, guys! Hope you liked the chapter!

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