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Gogo yawned and looked at the clock. 2:10. Great. 20 more minutes of trying to understand Professor Konan.

She was in Chemistry class, the most confusing class ever. There was way too much memorization involved. How on earth could she be expected to remember the atomic number for plutonium? Or the atomic mass of helium?

Honey Lemon sat next to her, drawing pictures in her notes. She already knew everything the professor was saying, having read their chemistry textbook 3 times cover to cover, but she still took detailed notes and still had time left over to draw in them. She claimed it was because she was a "visual learner", but Gogo suspected it was just because she liked to draw. Maybe it was a bit of both.

"And who can tell me the answer?" The professor was saying. "Miss Tomago?"

Gogo froze. She hadn't heard a word the professor had said. She cleared her throat nervously. "Ummm, what was the question? I didn't quite hear it." She managed to get out.

The professor rolled his eyes and sighed, clearly exasperated. "In regards to atoms that contain more than one electron, what does the Pauli Exclusion Principle state?"

Gogo ran her hand through her short hair, trying in vain to remember the answer. "Ummmm..."

Then she heard Honey Lemon whispering to her. She listened carefully. "Um, it states that, uh, no two electrons in an atom can have the same four quantum numbers?"

The professor was clearly surprised. "That is correct. Apparently you were paying attention. I assumed you weren't. My apologies."

Gogo nodded while he moved on to the next question, also surprised it had worked. The professor turned to Honey Lemon.

"Miss Miyazaki, what are the four quantum numbers?"

Honey Lemon answered immediately. "The four quantum numbers are the principle quantum number, the orbital angular quantum number, the magnetic quantum number, and the electron spin quantum number."

The professor nodded again. "Correct. Now how can we-"

He was interrupted by the bell. "Oh, that will have to wait I guess. Class dismissed."

Gogo packed up her things and stood up. She followed Honey Lemon out of the classroom. They began walking to their next class.

"Hey, Honey Lemon," Gogo said. "Thanks for the help back there."

Honey Lemon gave a big smile. "What are friends for? Besides I still owe you for helping me study for that Physics final. And a bunch of other stuff too."

Gogo laughed. "Yeah, well, keep those in mind, cause I'm gonna need your help studying for this chemistry exam."

Honey Lemon kept on smiling. "Yeah, I noticed your note page was blank. Did you even try to take notes?" She asked teasingly.

Gogo got defensive. "Yeah, as a matter of fact, I did! It's just so hard trying to take notes in a class you know barely anything about! Like, where do I start? What do I write? It's tough! You should try it sometime!"

Honey Lemon laughed again. "I do, does the class Physics ring a bell? You know, the one you always ace?"

Gogo looked down. "Fair enough. At least we didn't get any homework."

Honey Lemon looked surprised. "Yeah we did!"

Gogo stopped and looked up at her. "What?"

"Professor Konan mentioned it in the middle of class, didn't you hear him?"

Big Hero 6: The Story Continuesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن