I'm in.

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Hiro stood in front of Luigi's. Baymax stood beside him, wearing a bow tie.

He smoothed his hair again, or tried to, then walked in.

Luigi's, being the exclusive restaurant it was, required formal attire in order to get in. So Hiro had put on a suit and tie, and had given Baymax the bow tie as a finishing touch.

He walked up to the hostess podium. She looked down.

"Can I help you?" She asked, looking between him and Baymax.

"Reservation for Krei, please." He said.

"That's an exclusive party. Can I see some ID?" The hostess said.

"Sure." Hiro dug in his pocket and brought out his SFIT student ID card. It was to be expected. People were always trying to sneak into this restaurant with out reservations, and he certainly didn't look like he had enough money to afford one.

The waitress took his card and looked at it. Her eyes went wide for a second. Yep, that was definitely him. She cleared her throat.

"Right this way, Mr. Hamada." She said.

She led him down the hallway then up the stairs to the balcony rooms. These were private rooms for things like business meetings, and they overlooked the main dining area.

She led him down the balcony to Room 8 and knocked on the door.

"It's open." Came a voice from inside.

The hostess opened the door and held it open for Hiro. He walked in and saw Wasabi, Heathcliff, and Fred already seated, both wearing suits. Alastair Krei was at the head of the table, reading the newspaper from a few days ago: "New Heroes in Town".

"Hey guys." Hiro said with a smile. They all smiled and greeted him back.

Wasabi got up and fist bumped Hiro, Fred gave him a bro-hug, and Heathcliff gave a little bow. Krei stood up and held out his arm. "Great to see you again, Hiro."

Hiro shook hands with him. "You too. Where are Honey Lemon and Gogo?"

Wasabi spoke up. "They sent a text. The bus is running a bit slow, so they'll be a little late."

"How late?" Hiro asked. Wasabi shrugged.

"Ten, fifteen minutes late?" He said.

Hiro looked at the clock. "We might as well wait, I mean, this concerns them too."

He sat down and started talking with Fred and Wasabi. Baymax was standing in the corner, observing, as he couldn't fit in the chairs.

"Yeah, they gave me a bit of trouble about my beanie." Fred was saying, motioning to his hat. "But I told them that I was already wearing a suit with a bow tie, which fulfilled their dress codes." He finished triumphantly. "So they had to let me in."

"I swear, Fred, in all my years of knowing you, I think I've only seen you take that hat off once." Wasabi said, reaching for an appetizer. "It's almost as if it's fused to the top of your head."

"Maybe it is." Fred said mysteriously. "Maybe it's made of genetically modified cotton, and it fuses to my brain and gives me superpowers!"

He leaned back and paused dramatically. "Maybe 'Fred' is my mild-mannered alter ego, maybe I'm actually a superhero by the name of Hat Man!!"

Hiro smirked. "There's only one problem with that theory Fred."

Fred looked at him. "What?"

"You're already a superhero!"

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