Finding the Big Hero 6

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The man with the metal arm turned off the TV. He had just finished watching the news story on the Big Hero 6 for the third time, looking for any clues as to their identity. Not much he could go off of. No clue whatsoever. He had recorded it for later reference though, just in case.

The next step was to go to where it went down.

He had seen a gas station in the background during the news that would have had excellent views on what truly went down that night. From this, hopefully, he would be able to find SOMETHING that would make it possible to track them down.

Donning a suit and grabbing a fake badge from his suitcase, he went out the door.


Gogo was taking the bus home from Fred's. She wished she could've ridden her bike home, as it was faster and would've been able to take a more direct route, but she had left it back at her apartment.

In all honesty, she wasn't the only one from their group who had taken the bus. Wasabi had gotten off at the first stop and Honey Lemon had said goodbye at the third. Her stop was one of the last ones, a good 10 minutes from now.

She looked up as the bus stopped again, letting passengers on and off. She watched a man in a suit get on and walk to her row. He sat in the aisle across from her, opening a newspaper. Gogo looked at the familiar headline: "New Heroes in Town". She smirked, wondering how many people now were wondering who the Big Hero 6 were.

After about 5 minutes, when the bus was back in the road, she noticed something different. The man wasn't just reading the newspaper, he was absorbing ONLY the article about the Big Hero 6, reading it again over and over. He seemed to notice her stares and looked up.

"They sure do like their secrecy, don't they?" He said to her.

Gogo, not prepared for his question, jumped a bit and asked, "Who?" In an attempt to act innocent, hoping that he hadn't noticed her stares.

The man motioned to the paper. "Them. The Big Hero 6. They sure don't give out a lot of information." He said, then gave out a short laugh. "Although I suppose that's the best thing a super hero can do, staying secret."

Gogo tried to act curious, as if she was not already aware with superhero actions. "Why? Wouldn't it be better if the public knew who to call?"

The man gave out another short laugh. "Well I suppose so, but there would be no peace for them." He sat back. "Everyone would be wanting them to fix some thing or another, and before the hero knew it he would be just a pack mule, doing things others could easily do themselves."

He paused with a faraway look in his eyes, then continued. "Besides, it'd be far too dangerous. Their enemies would know who to target and where, then they'd just be sitting ducks. Great heroes have been ruined by giving out their secret."

The bus reached her stop, and she jumped up and left, grateful for an excuse to leave.

"This 'secret identity' stuff is gonna be harder than I thought." She thought to herself as she walked to her apartment.


The man with the metal arm was mentally scolding himself. He had allowed himself to slip into the Past again, a dangerous place. Fortunately he had gotten out before he had revealed too much.

He focused on his task at hand. Finding the Big Hero 6.

The bus finally reached his stop, and he stepped out, brushing himself off. He began walking to his destination.

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