The Last Microbot

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Gogo walked into the lab with a cup of coffee. She flicked on the light switch as she went to her work station. She took a look at the clock. 6:34 a.m. Ugh.

Gogo was not a morning person. Her ideal morning consisted of sleeping until at least 10:00. But unfortunately, morning was one of the few times of the day where she could work on her projects with absolutely no distractions.

Yawning as she took a drink of coffee, she reached for her wrench.

All of the sudden, she heard a crash. It had come from the back of the lab. Then it was quiet again. Nerves on end now, she got one of her bike's razor-sharp wheels and started to slowly sneak down the hallway.

There was a dim light coming from Hiro's lab. She could see a figure moving around inside. She took a deep breath, then pushed open the door and went inside.

"Hey!" She yelled, holding her disk at the ready.

"Aaaah!" The figure yelled, jumping, then whirling around, tripping on something in the process and landing on the floor.

"Hiro!" Gogo yelled, realizing who it was, dropping her disk rushing to help him up.

"Gogo, why did you attack me?!" Hiro asked, rubbing his head.

"I thought I was the only one in the lab! I thought someone had broken in!" She explained.

Hiro laughed. "And you didn't even think that it might have been ME?"

Gogo reddened, although only a very tiny bit. "Well I didn't expect anyone else to be awake at this ungodly hour, much less at the lab!" She responded. "What on Earth are you doing here so early?"

"Oh, nothing." Hiro said, rubbing his neck. "Just figured I'd get an early start on the day."

Gogo narrowed her eyes. "You're lying."

Hiro gave a nervous laugh, still rubbing his neck. "What? No! I'm not lying! Why would you think that?"

Gogo took a step closer. "Because nobody just 'gets up' this early without a reason." She paused. "And you always rub your neck when you're lying or nervous."

"I do not!" Hiro protested, still rubbing his neck slightly.

Gogo drew herself up to her full height, which wasn't much taller than him, to be honest. He had grown a lot taller in the past 6 months. But it still intimidated him. "Spit it out. Why are you here so early?"

Hiro shrank back a bit. His shoulders slumped, a sign of defeat. Gogo smiled. She was an expert at reading people.

Hiro sighed. "Ok, maybe I was here early for a reason." He admitted.

"I knew it." Gogo said in triumph. "Well, go ahead, spit it out."

Hiro reached into the pocket of his sweatshirt. "I was here to try to decide what to do with this." He said, pulling out a small Petri dish and handing it to her.

Gogo inspected the Petri dish. Inside there was a very small object made of metal, one that looked very familiar.

She looked up. "Is that..."

"A microbot." Hiro finished for her. "The last of its kind, actually."

Gogo looked suspiciously at the tiny innocent-looking bot. You could almost never imagine that these things had caused so much destruction. Or pain. Or had been the reason for a death. She suddenly felt like dropping the microbot into the trash and never seeing it again. She handed it back to Hiro.

"Are you sure it's the last one?" She asked skeptically. These things had a nasty habit of getting duplicated quickly.

Hiro accepted the Petri dish from her. "Positive. All the others were sucked into the portal and left there." He said with complete certainty.

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