Replacement Car

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"Oh, no." The man with metal arm, or Grant, groaned, walking towards the flatbed tow truck in the middle of the otherwise empty parking lot, a frown forming on his face. "No no no no no no no."

He forgot all about the Big Hero 6. He forgot all about the tangled snake. All that mattered was right in front of him, and he did not like it.

He walked up to the lonely tow truck and circled it, glaring at the other vehicle on top.

"No no no NO. Hell no!" He finished angrily, scowling at the detestable vehicle.

"Something wrong, sir?" Asked a gruff voice behind him.

He turned around. A man wearing brown overalls and wiping his hands on a dirty rag was walking up to him. The logo over his front pocket said he worked for Eagle Towing Company, one of the fake companies his organization used.

"Yeah something's wrong, this sorry excuse for a car!" Grant growled, pointing to the vehicle sitting innocently on the tow truck. "This is not the vehicle I requested! This is the furthest thing from it!"

The man in overalls was unfazed. He looked once at the vehicle, then back to Grant, chewing gum.

"Nothing wrong with this car. Modified it and brought it here myself. Director Garant's orders."

"No way." Grant said, frowning and shaking his head. "No way on God's green earth that Rey would make me drive this piece of junk. This is definitely a mix-up."

"Well, if you have a problem with it, you can talk to her about it." The mechanic said calmly, shrugging his shoulders.

"Yeah, I think I will." Grant said. "Put Rey on the phone, I think I'd like to have some words with her about this."

The mechanic opened his mouth to say something, then was interrupted by a voice behind Grant.

"Have some words with me about what, Grant?" A woman's voice asked crisply.

He whirled around. Standing behind him, flanked by two very large guards wearing sunglasses and armed with machine guns, was none other than Rey Garant, the Director and head of EAGLE.

Grant's eyes widened in surprise. It had been months since he had seen Rey face-to-face, and she looked just as she had when he last saw her. Black pantsuit, slim figure, dark hair swept over her shoulder, intelligent eyes that paid close attention to detail.

She smirked at his expression. "Miss me?"

Getting over his surprise, Grant scowled, strode up to her briskly, grabbed her arm angrily and steered her towards a nearby alleyway without a word. Her guards quickly raised their guns, but she stopped them.

"Stand your ground." She commanded as Grant pulled her away. "Stay here and await further instructions."

The guards stopped, nodded, and turned around, eyes sweeping over the area around them. Rey and Grant had an... interesting relationship. They knew not to ask questions.

Grant, however, did not stop until he had pulled Rey into the alley and behind a dumpster. Then he faced her with a scowl.

"What... the hell... do you think you are doing here?" He asked through gritted teeth.

"I missed you too, Grant." Rey said, without a trace of worry. "Are you going to let go of my arm? You're squeezing a bit tight."

Grant realized that he had been tightening his grip with the metal arm, and let go.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2018 ⏰

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