One Down, Two to Go

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Hiro hung up the phone, his head spinning. They had done it this time. Now the government was looking for them. Or someone who claimed to be the government.

He had suggested an emergency meeting with Krei and the rest of the team in order to plan what to do next. That meeting was in a few hours.

In the meantime, he had to contact the rest of the team.

Not knowing whether whoever was searching for them had their phones tapped, Hiro decided to contact the rest of the team by "code". He sent out a group text.

Hiro: "Hey guys, who's up for dinner with Krei?"

He waited a few minutes for someone to reply.

Gogo: "But it's not Thursday."

Hiro paused again. Not thinking of a better way to get his point across, he simply copied and pasted part of his text and sent it again.

Hiro: "Who's up for dinner with Krei?"

Wasabi: "Is something wrong, Hiro?"

Hiro: "Dinner with Krei, anyone? 7:00."

Wasabi: "I'll take that as a yes. See you at 7."

Gogo: "Me too."

Honey Lemon: "I'll be there."

Fred: "Count me in dude. Plus, nothing beats free food!"

Krei always paid for lunch. Hiro thought of something and texted Fred.

Hiro: "See if Heathcliff can come. He's a part of this."

Fred: "Will do."

Hiro put his phone down. The team always met Krei for dinner at a very exclusive restaurant called "Grill e Cucina di Luigi", nicknamed "Luigi's". Krei always paid for them to have a private room so they could discuss the Big Hero 6 freely.

Most of the time, the conversation didn't revolve around the Big Hero 6, though. Many times they talked about other things.

But this meeting was different.



The man with the metal arm took a sip of coffee. He tried to think of a way to narrow down his search.

He was online, searching through the city records, trying to find this Hiro character. So far it wasn't looking so good.

There were over 10 million people living in San Fransokyo. And of those 10 million people, about 1,200 were named Hiro. A very small percentage, but still a significant amount of people.

The man sighed and ran his hand (the non-metal one) through his hair. 1,200 people. There had to be a way to narrow it down even more.

He leaned back in his chair. Then suddenly, he remembered his conversation with Callaghan. Callaghan had been trying to get his attention away from the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology. Could this Hiro be the one who developed the lasers?

He rolled back in front of his computer, typing quickly. In a few short seconds, SFIT's website was up. He tried to access the student application files, but they were blocked. The word "CONFIDENTIAL" shone on the screen.

The man frowned. This would not do. It was a pretty hefty firewall, too. Could take hours for him to hack.

Fortunately, he had been prepared for this problem. The organization he worked for had long since found a way to get around most firewalls, and enter through a "back door".

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