A Letter from the Insurance Company

463 11 3

4 Days Later

Third Person


"Ughhhhh..." Mumbled Hiro, waving his arm blindly. After a few seconds, he finally found what he was looking for and slammed his fist down on the snooze button. He rolled to the left to get comfortable. Unfortunately, to the left was the edge of his bed.


"Ow!" Hiro yelled, jerking upright and holding his head.

"Where does it hurt?"

"Wha?" Hiro squinted up to see Baymax.

"I was alerted by a sound of distress." Baymax explained, tilting his head.

"Oh, that? That was nothing Baymax. I'm fine."

"On a scale from one to ten, how would you rate your pain?" Baymax continued.

"Baymax, I'm fine, really. It was just a bump." Hiro stood up. "See? All fine."

Baymax looked at him. "You have minor swelling on your forehead, I shall check for a concussion."

"Baymax, really, I'm ok-"

"What is your name?" Baymax said, undeterred.

"Hiro Hamada. I'm completely fine Baymax-"

"Could you walk in a straight line for me?"

Hiro sighed, then decided that cooperating would make it go faster. He walked in a straight line, then turned to Baymax. "See, I'm fine-"

"How many fingers am I holding up?" Baymax prompted.

"Three, I can see fine-"

Baymax came closer and shone some light from his finger into Hiro's eye.

"Hey, stop it, that's bright!" Hiro said, pushing Baymax away.

"The test results are negative. You do not have a concussion." Baymax said, stepping back.

"Thank you, Baymax, for telling me something I already knew." Hiro said, yawning. "Now why did I set the alarm to go off on a Saturday?

"Could it be because you and the rest of the team had plans at the lab?"

Hiro looked at Baymax, shocked. "That was exactly the reason!" He yelled, rushing around to get ready. "I thought you were going to remind me!"

Baymax waddled behind him. "I did remind you, last night. Which is why you set your alarm."

"Very helpful, thank you!" Hiro said, trying to find some clean clothes.


Gogo got up from the couch. She looked at the clock. 10:13. Great. She and Honey Lemon were the only ones at the lab.

"Where do you think Hiro is?" She asked Honey Lemon, who was taking advantage of the time to work on some experiments. "It's not like him to be late."

Honey Lemon stopped working. Then she smiled. "Why are you worried about where Hiro is?"

"Well, uh, he's late" Gogo replied, gesturing at the clock.

"So is Wasabi..."

"You know Wasabi, he's probably found a stain on his sweater..."

"And Fred..." Honey Lemon continued, smiling.

"Well, c'mon, Fred probably forgot all together."

"Mhm. But you're not concerned about where they are."

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