The Peppers

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The rest of the "lazy day" went pretty well. The team watched movies, played games, and just had fun being free of responsibilities, even if it was only for a day. Wasabi even forgot about his problem with the insurance company. It was great blowing off steam.

The end of the day found the team eating dinner at La Guindilla Caliente, a Mexican restaurant in San Fransokyo famous for its hot chili peppers. Baymax was back at the lab charging.

"I'll bet I can eat more chili peppers than anyone else at this table!" Said Fred.

"Oh really?" Said Hiro with a smirk. "If I can eat my Aunt's spicy chicken wings, I think I can eat a few peppers."

"Hold on," Wasabi said. "My grandma used to make the SPICIEST chicken tenders when I was younger. I could eat those all day. I'm pretty sure I can eat more peppers than either of you."

Fred smiled an evil smile. "How 'bout we make it interesting, then? We see who can eat the most peppers without taking a drink or eating something else. Each loser has to give the winner a dollar."

"Deal." Said Hiro and Wasabi.

Fred looked at Honey Lemon and Gogo. "Care to join, ladies?"

"Fred, you are about to know the meaning of the phrase 'Woman Up!'" Gogo said, never one to back down from a challenge.

Everyone looked at Honey Lemon. She was rummaging around in her purse. She looked up.

"Um, sure, why not?" She answered them, a bit nervous.

"Okay!" Fred yelled, slapping his hand on the table. "Wallets out, everybody. Dollars in the middle!" He said as everyone put a dollar in the middle.

"The rules are: you can't eat anything but peppers and no drinks or you forfeit." Said Wasabi. Everyone agreed.

The restaurant, in keeping with its name and tradition, served a platter of chili peppers to anyone who asked. Within minutes there was a platter of steaming chili peppers in front of the team, along with a pitcher of iced water. The restaurant had found it wise to serve water with their peppers.

"Okay, GO!" Fred yelled, and they all began eating.

Hiro's tongue started burning after the first one, by the third one the burning sensation had reached his nose. At the fourth one his eyes began to water, and by the fifth he had had enough. He poured himself a glass of the ice water and downed it in one gulp. It took several glasses to quell the burning.

Once he had drank enough, he looked around the table. Gogo had just dropped out, her face flushed and eyes watery from the spice as she drank water straight from the pitcher, not bothering to poor herself a glass.

Fred and Wasabi's faces were even redder than hers, and Wasabi had a tear running down his face when he gave up and drank half the pitcher, gasping for breath.

Now it was just Fred and Honey Lemon. Hiro looked at them. Fred's face was getting more and more flushed by the pepper, but Honey Lemon's face was its normal color. Her eyes weren't watery, and it didn't even seem like she had tasted anything spicy.

Finally Fred had to forfeit, drinking the rest of the water, panting.

Honey Lemon looked at them all. "Oh, does this mean I win?"

Fred nodded, still catching his breath. She smiled and gathered the money.

"How did you DO that?" Asked Wasabi, still a bit out of breath. "I thought you didn't eat spicy foods!"

Honey Lemon's smile got even larger, if that's possible. "With a little help from chemistry!"

"What?" Said Fred, confused.

She blushed a bit. "Well, what makes peppers spicy is a chemical called capsaicin. Capsaicin is an irritant to most mammals, which is why we have a burning sensation. So u thought, why not use what I know to my advantage? I mixed up a little antidote that contains casein, which sort of counteracts the effects of capsaicin. So I never even felt the burning sensation." She finished, smiling.

"Wait, so making a spicy pepper antidote is science, but turning me into Godzilla is not??" Fred asked loudly.

"It's really not Fred..."

"How'd u mix that up though? We're not even in the lab!" Hiro asked her.

She brought her purse up and set it on the table. Looking closer, Hiro could see what it really was.

"That's the prototype for your super-purse." He said.

"I've taken to carrying it around." She told them, putting it back. "Even though it's not as powerful and can't hold that many chemicals and elements, I've still found that it's really useful.

"Glad you could find a use for it." Hiro said.

"Well, once again, science beats all." Gogo said, causing everyone to laugh.

Hiro looked at the team and smiled. "We have GOT to do this more often."

They all nodded.

"Same time next week?" Wasabi asked.

Hiro nodded. "Sounds good."


Hey everyone! Part 4 and already up to 13 reads. :) Don't be afraid to comment people, I don't bite. Just be nice. So disclaimer: I do not own Big Hero 6 or its characters in any way, form, or function. I DO, however, own the Mexican restaurant La Guindilla Caliente, cause I made it up. If there already is a La Guindilla Caliente, my apologies, but you copied me. :) any way, please comment guys! Constructive criticism and suggestions are always welcome.

FYI: "La Guindilla Caliente" means "The Hot Chili Pepper", and casein and capsaicin are real chemicals. Casein is the protein found in milk, which is why cold milk helps soothe spicy burns.

Until next time.

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