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a/n - hey! So this idea for a story just came to me out of the blue, so we'll see how it goes!

***there will be mature language and possibly some chapters that won't be suitable for innocent eyes, JUST A WARNING HA***

The photo attached is what Mitch saw when he walks into the elevator! Enjoyyyyyy :)


"Good luck, sweetie! Only a few more weeks then you'll be back home in your own bed for a few days! Just focus on your studies, get all the work done and achieve your dreams. We love you and we're so so proud, speak soon."

I put the phone back down onto the receiver, deleting the voicemail. Missing another call from my mom hasn't improved my foul mood and to be honest, I want nothing more right now than to be in my own bed at home with mom and dad.

This isn't the way I thought things would turn out. Being a naïve child, you always dream of how it will be when you grow up and move out, start your own life in university, make friends and be independent. Seven year old Mitch Grassi always believed that he would be a superstar by the age of twenty one, he thought he'd have a huge mansion, a wife perhaps, or at least a dog. But twenty one year old Mitch Grassi... Well, I live in a tiny flat with three roomies that hate me, I certainly don't have a wife considering the fact that I'm gay as frick, and I'm allergic to dogs. So if you haven't already guessed, things never turned out as planned.

"Yo, tiny, we're gonna need you disappear tonight," Frankie calls over to me, sitting on the kitchen counter in nothing but his grey joggers, "we've got girls coming over and we don't want you scaring them away. Comprende?"

I nod subtly, pouring my smoothie into my plastic container before I tighten the cap and throw my gym bag over my shoulder. Since joining university, things have been tough. First I got thrown into a room with the three biggest jerks I've possibly ever come across. Travis, Frankie and Josh, all hot, all popular, and all complete douche bags. Obviously I got stumped as their immediate punch bag, being the scrawny small guy, that was not only gay, but kinda chunky too. I thought it would get better, until I got into my classes and realised that I stick out like a sore thumb. Everyone is so confident and independent, and because I'm the kid with the trained singing voice, I'm envied and hated by practically every other student. So I figured that I should find something else to take my mind off the shitty situation that my life has become. The gym is my escape, a place where I can work hard and sweat it all out. And to be honest, it not only helps with stress relief, I'm no longer the fat kid.

Oh, by the way. Travis and I used to be 'a thing' for a while, but obviously because he's so self-obsessed, our fucked up relationship was kept a secret. Couldn't let the other guys know about us, how would poor Travis cope if they knew he was into men? He ended it anyway, said I was 'too much' for him. Whatever.

I walk out of the door, breathing a sigh of relief as the sound of Frankie and his minions drowns away. I place my headphones into my ears and blast the sultry voice of Susanne Sundfør through them.

A tall blonde greets me as I step into the elevator, pressing the button lightly. He smiles, his blue eyes locked onto mine for a second before they shoot back down to his phone screen. I stand beside him, zoning out as music continues to play through my ears. Leaning back against the wall, I close my eyes and sigh, only to be jolted out of my daydream by a slight tap on my shoulder. My eyes snap open and I pull a headphone out quickly as the blonde stands in front of me, smiling kindly.

"Sorry to disturb you," he says softly, "but you, uh, you dropped this,"

He holds my gym membership card in his hand, his eyes still frozen on mine. I almost get lost in his oceans when he breaks the gaze to read my card.

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