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a/n - the photo attached is Mitch and Scott in this chapter :)

I'm dying. It's official, my body hates me, the bed is my resting place, and I'm dying. My stomach is burning and I'm in a cold sweat, all I can think of is that pizza that I ate. I knew something wasn't right, but still, being the greedy little girl that I am, I ate every last crumb. And I can't help but think that I'm going to be reunited with every last crumb before the sun comes up. I can't move because I feel like I'm gonna hurl all over my bed and myself.

Looking over to my left, I see Scott fast asleep. He's lying on his side, facing me, his hair a mess and the blankets cuddled into his chest. His breath is so shallow and slow that you would think that he wasn't breathing, which just adds to the ever growing silence, amplifying the sound of my heart beat in my ears.

I reach over, feeling nervous as I get more and more wound up. I can feel my stomach turning and the sickness creeping up my throat. My breathing begins to quicken as I get scared about the thought of being sick, I hate throwing up, I mean who enjoys it? But it particularly scares me to death, I shake uncontrollably and often cry. Shit.

I touch Scott's shoulder and begin to shake him gently, eager to wake him up. His eyes flutter open slowly as a smile creeps onto his face.

"Hey, Mitchy.." He breathes, his voice hoarse and quiet, "what's wrong?"

His smile drops as he sees me, lying on my back, evidently drained of colour and sweating profusely. I'm shaky and breathing fast as I grip onto his arm, hoping that he'll find some way to stop me from being sick.

"Mitchy?" He leans up on his elbow, reaching over and placing his hand on my forehead, "shit, you're burning up, are you okay?"

I let out a small sound, a whimper, as I feel my eyes begin to well up. I'm not gonna let him see me cry over being sick, I just really don't wanna throw up.

"I-I.." I stutter, swallowing as I feel it rising in my throat, "Scott, n-no.."

"Shh.." Scott whispers, standing up out of bed and walking around to my side before kneeling down beside me. He runs a hand through my hair, pushing it away from my face, "do you feel like you're gonna be sick?"

I nod timidly, trying to calm my trembling hands.

"Come on, sweetie, it will be okay.." Scott whispers, standing up and slowly helping me up out of bed. As soon as I'm sat up, I feel myself beginning to heave, and before I know it, I'm running to the toilet and emptying my insides into the bowl. I whimper as my stomach repulses, clenching and forcing me to violently jolt and shake. Tears fall out of my eyes as I drop to my knees in front of the toilet, holding my fringe back with one hand. I feel a warm hand touch my shaking back, and another take over the job of holding my bangs out of my face.

Scott comforts me, stroking my back gently as he whispers that it's okay.

Once it's over, I wipe my eyes and sniff, still whimpering quietly. The cold bathroom wall relieves me as I lean back against it, closing my eyes.

"Hey..." Scott whispers, rubbing my arm slowly as he sits in front of me, "I bought you some water, sip it.."

I open my eyes, lifting my trembling hand to take the glass from Scott. He must have noticed my hand, as he shakes his head before lifting the glass to my lips and pouring some of the refreshing liquid into my mouth. I wipe my lip slowly as he pulls away, smiling sympathetically.

"You're okay now.." He says softly as he runs his fingers through my hair, "do you feel a bit better now that you've been sick?"

I nod, "a-a little bit.."

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