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a/n - sorry for the time jump!
I just don't wanna put too many filler chapters in so yeah, enjoy!


(The cheerleader video is too perfect omg, loves it)

*twelve days later*

I sigh heavily, throwing my body down into my new couch for the first time all day.

"Is that everything?"

I nod at Scott as he sits beside me, wiping the layer of sweat off his forehead.

"Yeah," I smile, "thank you for helping me, I had no chance of building that bed without your help,"

"That's because you're a weakling and I'm built as heck,"

"Ah," I scrunch my nose sarcastically, "I wouldn't say built, more like... Chunky?"

Scott rolls his eyes, smiling as he takes a gulp out of his water bottle. I look around and feel a wave of relief as I realise that I'm finally out, living by myself, away from Frankie, Josh and Travis. I have a new couch, black leather. A new 50inch TV, artsy paintings and quotes, matching wood tables and cabinets. A black marble kitchen with chrome appliances, a kingsized bed with dark pillows and a lot of fluffy blankets, and a cute little guest room with a huge bed and loads of cute pictures on the walls, - I let Scott take control of decorating that room, since he'll probably be staying in there the most - dark wood floors, sophisticated wallpaper and soft colours everywhere, a bathroom that is completely tiled, with a frosted glass screen and a huge shower head.

Basically, I'm in love with all of it.

That's the benefits of having parents that would do anything for your happiness. I'm so grateful for them, as soon as they found out I was moving they sent a bundle of cash and pillows to me to help me along, the cash was obviously to help me out, the pillows were just because they know I like pillows. A lot.

I found an apartment within three days of staying at Scott's apartment, and only two days after that I was moved in. The past week has been spent buying, building and setting up furniture. Honestly, without Kevin, Avi and Scott, I'd still be surrounded by flat-packed wardrobes and half painted walls. They've helped out a lot.

I spent eleven nights in Scott's bed. We got closer over the time, having deep conversations every night about everything. One night we spoke about our past, I told him how I came out and who my first boyfriend was. He was called Kyle, we were 14 in high school, in a relationship that was strictly secret because people didn't yet know that we were gay, we weren't even too sure of it ourselves. I told him about my first kiss with Kyle, the moment that I knew I was definitely into men and the moment that my life changed. I'd kissed girls before, had girlfriends, but this time it felt different, and I knew that I was gay. Scott told me that he's never felt like that, he's never kissed someone or been with someone and felt that it was the right thing. Still, he never mentioned the name of any boy or girl, he just kinda brushed over the topic.

I asked him one night about Alex. It took him a while to open up to me, but once he did, he still didn't tell me what I wanted to hear. According to Scott, Alex was a close friend, and he did a music project with him a couple years ago. They worked together, wrote a song, performed it at the University Spring Ball, received an A* for their work, and then lost contact. Scott never went into specifics, but as he was telling me the story, I could sense that something was different. He kept on staring into space as he spoke about Alex, taking deep breaths and smiling randomly. Alex wasn't just a friend, whether he was like a brother to Scott, or a lover, I'll never know. But he was more than a friend.

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