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a/n - the pic attached is Mitch's snapchat in this chapter :)

"Right," I sigh, standing up from the couch and brushing imaginary dirt off my shorts, "I'm think I'm gonna go to bed, been a long day... And that meat feast pizza made me feel kinda sick..."

Scott nods. That's it.

Since I asked him about his sexuality, he's treated me like I don't exist. My little jokes have been ignored, he hasn't been flirty or complimentary, and the most conversation that I got out of him was 'thank you for the pizza'.

"Uh," I stutter awkwardly, standing in front of Scott as he stays sat on the couch, "will you just... Join me when you're ready?"

Scott looks down at his lap, and I take that as my cue to leave. I begin to walk away, heading towards my bedroom door when I hear the couch shift behind me.

He coughs quietly, "um, actually, Mitch... I think I'll just sleep in the guest room.. I'm tired.."

I turn towards him, my hand still on my handle, "oh? Right... Uh.. Okay, well I hope you sleep well.."

"Yeah.." Scott puts his hands in his pockets as he looks at the floor, "you too..."

I stand and look at him for a few moments. His whole demeanour has changed. He's acting the way that I thought he would when I first told him I was gay, avoiding me and treating me like I don't exist. He won't even look me in the eye, no hugs, not even a hand on the leg or anything. He practically begged me to let him stay the night, and I was fine with that, he's my only friend... And now he's staying away because "he's tired"?

I guess I fucked up, again.

Scott turns around, walking towards the guest room slowly.

"Scott.. Wait.."

He stops, turning towards me and looking up into my eyes, "what's wrong?"

I sigh, shaking my head, "I didn't mean to.. Make you feel uncomfortable or whatever... I'm sorry.."

Scott purses his lips before twisting the handle of the guest room, "goodnight, Mitch."

The door closes behind him as I let out an exasperated sigh. As much as I hate to admit it, I actually want him to be next to me tonight, not in another room.

I enter my bedroom, stripping off into only my shorts before stepping into bed. My stomach gurgles as I lay down and roll over, and I still feel kinda sick. I want Scott here.

Shall I just go and get in his bed? If he's gonna be a stubborn ass hole, then I might have to. I'm not sure I'll be able to sleep knowing that he's annoyed with me.

I roll over onto my stomach, sighing heavy as I still can't get comfortable. I think about texting him, spamming his phone until he gives up and joins me. But I can't do that, I don't want him to think I'm clingy.

Rolling over onto my side, I feel strange coldness behind me, a breeze where Scott would have been lying. I pick up a pillow and rest it against my back, hoping that it will make up for Scott's missing presence.

It doesn't.

Reaching over to my bedside table, I grab my phone. I type out a text to Scott, but delete it, then repeat that cycle about five times until eventually I just go off the texting app all together. Why am I so strung up over one stubborn guy? I'm never like this.

I click onto snapchat, opening up stories and cringing as Kylie Jenner does nothing but pout for her whole 218 second story. With a sigh of exasperation, I open up the front camera and grab my teddy, holding it close to me with a frown as I snap a picture.

"CAN'T SLEEP" is the caption, hoping that it's big enough and bold enough for Scott to realise that I want him to come and join me. I think about sending it to only him, but decide against it, thinking that it will probably look really desperate. So I just publish it to my story and secretly pray that Scott is struggling to sleep too, and has resorted to snapchat. I sigh loudly and press the lock button, throwing myself back into lonely darkness.

After 10 minutes or so, I come to terms with the fact that Scott isn't coming, and I should just go to sleep. I roll away from the door, pulling my teddy against my chest as I close my eyes heavily. I'm lying still, being quiet, keeping my eyes closed, but sleep refuses to consume me. My mind is running over what happened, feeling annoyed that I'm so affected by a straight guy.

I shake my head, giving up and finally feeling myself begin to fall asleep.

Just as my breathing gets heavy, I hear the crack of my door opening as a beam of light enters the room. Rolling over, I see Scott wearing only his shorts as he closes my door behind him and stands in front of it, awkwardly fiddling with his hands in front of him.

"You can't sleep?" He says quietly,

"No..." I whisper, my eyes locked on Scott.

"Me either.."

His head drops to the floor as he shuffles his feet slightly. I lie on my back, pushing the covers off me.

"Scott... Please come cuddle me? I just... I don't know, I need a hug.."

Scott looks up before letting out a almost pained, "me too.." and walking towards my bed, climbing onto it. He hovers over me for a while, all of his weight being held up by his elbows as he looks into my eyes, breathing onto my skin. He lowers his head, resting it in the crook of my neck as he rolls us both over onto our sides and wraps his warm arms around me tightly.

I pull the covers over us before placing my hands on his skin.

"I'm sorry..." he whispers, moving his head back so that he can look into my eyes, "I shouldn't have gone all weird with you.."

I shake my head, "it's okay... I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"No, I should have just told you that I'm not gay, I'm sorry.."

I sigh, snuggling into his chest and smiling slightly, "I know," I say sarcastically, "how could you get my hopes up like that, Scotty? Broke my heart."

Scott laughs as he gently kisses the top of my head, "I don't like you.."

"Yeah well I don't like you either.."

Well, I shouldn't.

Scott runs his fingers across my back, making circles and dots on my skin. I feel relaxed straight away, warmer now that he's here. Still, my stomach is turning as I feel funny.

"I feel kinda sick.." I whisper, drawing an invisible picture on Scott's chest with the tip of my finger.

"You do?" He says quietly, bringing his hand up to the side of my face so he can look into my eyes, "is it bad?"

I shake my head, smiling, "no, no it will pass, I'm sure."

Scott nods, running his hand over my shoulder and down to my waist, "okay, wake me up if you need me.."

"I will, goodnight cheeseball."

"Night, douche bag."

I was wrong, it didn't pass.

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