twenty four

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Ha ha ha ha


I rub my neck, watching as Travis walks out of the door, slamming it behind him. Shaking my head, I walk back over to my back and pick it up off the floor.

He's all talk. Seriously, what's he gonna do? The way he speaks to me is vile. The way he acts is vile. But he would never act out. He has no guts.

I need to calm down before I go home, Scott can't see me this worked up or he'll run over there and kill Frankie, Travis and Josh. I don't care if he kills them, I just don't wanna be washing blood off his shirt.

I walk down to the yoga rooms, pulling out a mat and sticking my headphones back in my ears. I sit there for a while, in front of the mirror, cross legged on the mat, looking at myself and thinking about everything.

Finally deciding to move into a downward dog, I breathe a heavy breath. What a day, huh? Waking up next to the most beautiful man alive, him trying to kiss me, me pulling away, then shit goes down at the gym and now I'm at risk of having my testicles pulled out of my throat by Travis. I don't even know.

Stretching out all of my limbs and muscles feels good. Well needed after a heavy night of drinking and a good workout session. I sigh in relief as my hamstrings are stretched out, the burning ache fading away. I glance down at my watch as I stay in a yoga stance, and notice that it's five o'clock. I should really be getting back, Scott will be worried if I don't.

I stand up, pulling my arms above my head and having one last stretch, before picking up all of my kit and walking to the exit.

The cold air hits my skin as I walk out of the doors, noticing that the sky is scattered with clouds, making everywhere seem dark and gloomy. I decide to pop to the shop on the way home to get some protein bars, momma needs her food.

I look down at my phone, noticing I have a few texts from Scott.

Scott: wyatt just peed on your bed HA

Scott: i cleaned it, best friend points to me x

Scott: we're getting chipotle for dinner, I want it x

Scott: where are you lol you've been 3 hours and i miss youuuuuuuu :( x

Scott: im gonna wait at the window for you, hurry home x

I smile, shaking my head as I type out a quick text in reply.

Mitch: thank u for cleaning wyatt's pee up daddy, ily, and look out for me at the window, be home in 5 x

I begin to jog to the shop, my legs burning from my workout. Entering through the automatic doors, a burst of hot air hits me in the face. I search down the aisles, walking past the candy with all the willpower I have and instead stopping by the healthy snack bars. I pick out three, one for Scott and two for me because I'm a greedy little girl. I smile, looking down at my phone and scrolling through twitter, when I hear a faint voice.

At first I think it's in my head, just nerves because of what happened at the gym, and I shake it off.

Until I hear it again, this time in a whisper, but louder than before. I peek my head around the next aisle to find Travis, Frankie and Josh in the bra section, putting them on their heads and acting like they're about four years of age.

I turn on my heel quickly, making a quiet squeak as I rush over to the check out. Practically throwing my protein bars at the cashier, she looks down at them as they land before her eyes shoot up at me, a bitchy glare plastered all over them. I smile sarcastically while bouncing on my toes, looking over my shoulder to see that the boys are no longer behind me. They didn't noticed me, thank god.

The cashier taps my shoulder with her claws, handing me my bars and essentially launching my change at my face. I pick up the coins, scowling at the bitch and heading out of the shop. I step through the automatic doors and take a big breath of fresh air, looking up and down the street and sighing in relief when there is no sight of the boys. My breath halting to a stop as a hand touches my arm.

"What a surprise to see you here, Mitchy." Travis says slyly.

I turn towards him as he laughs at me and walks closer, poking my chest and pushing me back into a brick wall.

My first instinct is to run, and as I'm weaving my way down the darkened streets, I feel tears welling up in my eyes.

I won't cry, I won't cry.

I turn the corner of the final street, seeing the apartment block come into view. I stop running, leaning over as my chest caves in due to lack of oxygen. Little whimpers start to exit my throat as I struggle to catch my breath, looking up to the sky with watery eyes. I notice a big group of people halfway down the street, and decide that I'd rather not get called a 'fag' today, so I take the back route.

It's probably safer anyway, Travis won't think to look for me there.

I begin to walk, still attempting to catch my ragged breath. Pulling my bag up properly onto my shoulder, I sniff and wipe my eyes. I really need a hug. Like I really need a hug from Scott. I'm scared and I'm cold and I'm pissed.

I kick rocks as I'm walking down a dark path, listening to the sound of them cracking against the walls. Should I be worried about Travis? I mean, he wouldn't actually hurt me, would he? I hear shuffling from behind me, but don't turn around. It's nothing. It's the wind.

I decide to pull out my phone, texting Scott with shaky hands just for reassurance.

Mitch: scott pls come down, I need u x

I walk out of the alley way and into the apartment car park, relieved at the burst of light. I don't know why the sky is so dark, but I don't like it. I look up into the apartment windows, scanning them until I find Scott's face. I immediately feel warm inside, knowing that he's watching over me and he's keeping me safe.

I smile up at him, waving slightly. He waves back enthusiastically, placing his hand on the window.

I giggle, walking quicker. The quicker I walk, the quicker I can have Scott. I feel my legs aching more and more as I walk, but I don't stop. I need Scott. I need him.

My eyes don't move from his face, locked onto him as if he's a lighthouse and I'm a lost boat out at sea.

And then everything changed.

My legs disappear from underneath me as my head crashes to the floor.

(ON HOLD INDEFINITELY) Blondie - ScomicheOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz