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a/n - pic attached is of Scott and Mitch in this scene!

I'm think I'm gonna move out.

I swear, I come up with all of my good ideas in the gym. I was just doing some reps, lifting weights while squatting to get the booty all perky, and the idea came to me. Why am I wasting my days away with three douche bags when I can just move out? I mean, I could be free, play the music that I like, not have to clean up vomit because there will be no stupid parties, and maybe I could be closer to Scott and his gang. I'd love that. I want to get away from Frankie, Travis and Josh, so I'm gonna move out.

I just need the money first.

I bet you're wondering what my issue is with Josh, I hardly mention him. That's because he's silent yet deadly. He never does anything upfront to piss me off, so I never have anything to straight-up moan about, but whenever there's pee on my personal bathroom toilet seat, or there's chewed-up gum under my pillow, that's Josh. The bitch.

Anyway, I need to stop moaning about them and get home. I'm freshly showered, clean, worked out and happy.

I want to see Scott.

Frick, I'm getting in too deep, aren't i? I mean, I just want to see him and his friends, maybe make them my friends too? I don't wanna go home to the shit tip. It's only been three hours though, he's gonna think I'm such a freak.

As I walk into the apartment building, I'm torn between which button to press on the elevator. Floor six or floor ten, my floor or Scott's floor, a place to clean or a place to relax. But what if he's not there? What if Kevin opens the door or something? That's awkward. I need to make a decision.

Floor ten. I'm doing it.


Didn't he say he was taking that Megg girl out?

Shit, shit, shit, floor six.

It's too late, I'm already up to floor nine. I know, I could just go back down, right? Yeah. I was intending to, until my legs walked out of the elevator and up to his door. Why does my body hate me? Before I know it, I'm knocking on the door and Blondie's stood in front of me, his hair pushed back into a backwards hat.

"Oh, hey?"

"Hi, uh," I stutter, this was a bad idea, "I was just- um, I wanted to come say hi and... You know what- it was a bad idea, I'll just- yeah, forget it..."

"Wait, Mitch?"

I turn away, walking back down the corridor at double pace to get away from this incredibly awkward situation.

"Mitch, hold up, will you?"

I feel an arm snake around my waist, and suddenly I'm lifted off my feet and picked up into Scott's arms. A small squeal escapes my throat as I'm carried into his apartment.

"Put me down, bitch!"

He laughs, throwing me onto the couch, "you know you can come see me whenever you want, stupid, why did you run away?"

"I just thought I'd check up on you, don't want you to miss me too much."

Scott giggles, shaking his head, "sure, sure. Now for the real reason?"

I sigh, licking my lips, "okay, my apartment is a total mess because of their dumbass party and I just thought I'd rather come see you than clean it up.."

"Fair enough, but why would you have to clear up their mess?"

I raise my eyebrow, "have you met Frankie?"

(ON HOLD INDEFINITELY) Blondie - ScomicheTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang