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"Do you want syrup or something else?"

"Syrup, that was a stupid question, Mr Hoying."

"Sorry, master. Syrup it is."

Scott hands me a plate of waffles drenched in a thick layer of golden syrup. I lick my lips before plunging in, savouring every bite.

"Mitchy?" Scott asks, pausing slightly to swallow his goods, "will you come with me later? I mean, this sounds weird, but like, will you just walk me back to my apartment so I don't completely psych myself out and run away?"

"Why would you run away?" I giggle slightly, licking a blob of syrup off my finger.

"Because in case you don't remember, I have to tell my parents that I'm a homosexual, and they're not exactly the sweetest of people."

"Oh," I scrunch my nose, "yeah, I'll walk you home, Scotty. Don't be scared, are you scared?"

Scott laughs tiredly, "you want the honest answer? I'm petrified."

"Well, I'll tell you what." I smile, placing my hand on Scott's leg, "we'll eat our waffles, go get beautiful and then leave. Okay? We'll get it out of the way and then you can spend the rest of the day with me if it all goes wrong, I'll cheer you up."

Scott smiles at me, licking his lips before bringing his waffle back towards his mouth and taking a bite.


"Look stop panicking okay? Everything's fine, I've got you."

"Mitch, you cannot just tell me to stop panicking. I feel like my stomach's gonna fall out of my ass, can we just go? We'll move away, go to England, become farmers, Wyatt can learn how to herd sheep."

I laugh, shaking my head as we enter the elevator, "calm your tits, boy. It will be okay, stop flapping."

"Stop flapping? Mitch I'd rather eat my own foot than do this. My heart's about to jump out of my throat, oh god, I'm gonna shit myself."

"Wow," I laugh, pressing my back against the elevator, "this is hilarious. Carry on."

"You're supposed to be comforting me! Not laughing, Mitch please.." Scott whines, sticking out his bottom lip playfully while making grabby hands towards me, "I'm scared.."

"Aw, Scotty," I tilt my head, walking towards him before wrapping my arms around his waist and pressing my head against his chest, "here, I'm comforting you. Oh my- your heart is beating so fast. You aren't gonna pass out, are you?"

"No," Scott sighs, wrapping his arms around my shoulders, "but how do I do this? 'Hey, mom, I'm gay, how's your day going?', or, 'hey, I know you hate me enough already but, I'm into guys, sorry bout it'."

"You're being silly," I smile sympathetically, pulling away from Scott and walking out of the elevator, "just take it slow. Do what feels right."

"Okay... Okay.."

"Breathe, Scotty.." I smile, walking up to his door and stopping outside, turning to face him.

Scott takes hold of both of my hands, taking a deep breath as he looks at the floor. I lean up on my tiptoes, pressing a quick and gentle kiss on his cheek.

"Good luck, it will be okay, Blondie."

Scott smiles sweetly, running his hand through his hair, I've noticed that this is something he does when he's nervous.

"Bye.." He says quietly, letting go of my hand as he walks inside his apartment and closes the door.

I smile, crossing my fingers for him as I turn away and begin to walk back towards my room.

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