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a/n - the pic attached is of Mitch and Scott in the club!

Enjoyyyyy :)

"You want another drink?... Scott?... Scott, do you want another drink?"

No response yet again. I watch as the tall boy dances in front of me, his eyes closed and his hands running through his hair as he body rolls and jumps to the beat. I walk over to him, tapping his shoulder lightly.

"Do you want another drink?" I shout, attempting to raise my voice so that Scott can hear me over the music.

"No thank you," he belts, taking my hand in his, "dance with me?"

I shake my head, "not my thing, I'm gonna go sit at the bar,"

Just when I attempt to walk away, I'm pulled back by Scott's strong arms and thrown into his chest as he wraps himself around me.

"Dance! Please?" He says into my ear, holding my hips lightly.

As I pull away, smiling, Scott lets go of my hips and takes hold of my hands yet again, dancing in front of me. His good mood must be contagious, as it isn't long before I'm dancing too, closing my eyes with my hands above my head, just like Scott was just moments before.

I feel hot, as in, sexy hot. I can tell that there are eyes on me, which is strange because I'm usually the kid that everyone ignores. But here I am, in a club where nobody knows who I am except the guy in front of me, and I'm dancing like I don't have a care in the world. Running my hands through my hair, feeling the heat build underneath my leather jacket, closing my eyes and just letting people watch. I'm confident that I'm making an impression, and perhaps for the first time in my life, it's a good one.

I feel a hand touch my back, causing me to open my eyes and see where the touch is coming from. Scott has been pushed towards me by a group of intoxicated girls, and he's now stood directly in front of me, our chests touching and one of his arms wrapped around me. He doesn't seem to care, so I don't either. I mean, he's straight, he wouldn't find this strange. It's just very rare that I get a hot guy grinding up against me. But, you know.

"Can we take-" Scott muffles, the end of his sentence cut off my the loud music.


He moves his mouth closer to my ear, so close that I can feel his warm breath on my neck, "can we take a picture together?"

I nod, grabbing his hand and pulling him through the crowd of people until we find an open space.

"Hey! Hey, excuse me?"

I tap the shoulder of the guy behind the bar, holding out Scott's phone and signalling that we needed him to take a picture for us. The tattooed bar man nods, turning the phone around and aiming. Scott wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me against his side. I look up at the tall man, smiling slightly as I notice his big cheesy grin, and just as I look back towards the camera, the photo is taken and the flash blinds my eyes.

"Thank you!" Scott shouts, taking his phone back and smiling at the photo, "you wanna get out of here? It's late."

I nod, pushing my hair out of my eyes and heading towards the door, Scott following behind me. Once we get outside, the cold air hits my moist face. I never realised how hot I got inside the club, but now I'm out here I'm freezing. Scott must notice my shiver, as he picks up his jacket that he was holding and he throws it over my shoulders. It's way too big, but the gesture is sweet, and it is warm.
I look up to Blondie, smiling as he looks back with a comforting sparkle in his eye.

"I've had a really good night," I say quietly, my ears still ringing from the music in the club, "thank you.."

"You're welcome, thank you too,"

(ON HOLD INDEFINITELY) Blondie - ScomicheDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora