twenty one

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I haven't updated for ages and it's because of sixth form and stuff, I've been so tired and yeah..

Hope this is okay?



"Yeah, he's knocked out.."

"Okay, we'll leave him to rest then.."

I hear the muffled giggle of Kirstie as my eyes begin to flutter open. Checking my surroundings, I realise that I'm tucked up in bed, the blanket thrown over my body and the curtains closed.

Shuffling begins to occur from outside my bedroom door, and I quickly realise that Kirstie's birthday party is being set up. I hear the deep voice of Avi, Scott's distinct giggle and the sound of balloons as they get blown up. Eventually, I drag my tired legs out of bed, stretching out my back and listening to the quiet crack of my spine. Ruffling my hair, I walk out of the door and into the bustling metropolis of balloons, banners and birthday cake.

"Hey! Mitchy's awake."

I smile down at Avi as he sits on the floor, tying knots in freshly blown-up balloons. Scott walks over to me, sliding his hands across my waist and pulling me into a hug.

"You're still sleepy," he whispers, "I can tell. Go back to bed, we can sort this."

I shake my head with a frown, pulling back from the hug and rubbing my hands up and down Scott's arms, "I want to help."

He nods, placing his hand on my lower back and walking me over to the kitchen counter.

"I got put on alcohol duty," Scott says lowly, "I swear Kirstie thinks she's starting her own bar or something, there's enough alcohol here to serve an alcoholic army."

I giggle, moving the bottles of cider over to the ice buckets.

"I heard that stringbean," Kirstie shouts, her head in a box of banners, "and I'd shut that pretty little mouth of yours before I come over there and beat you up,"

Scott scoffs, rolling his eyes playfully at me, "okay then, peanut, whatever you say."

"Is this level?" Kevin shouts, his arms above his head as he holds a big banner reading 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIRSTIN!' across my wall.

"Hm," Kirstie mumbles, walking towards him and frowning, "left a bit. No, right. More to the right... Woah- no, too far to the right. Up a bit, hm, no, I think-"

"It looks fine, Kev," Scott says, shaking his head slightly with a smile.

"So who's actually coming to this party?" I ask quietly, still moving bottles over to the ice buckets.

"Well," Scott sighs, "Us, obviously. Jeremy and his family, Kirstie's family, Esther and Darian, Kirstie's friends Genevieve and Kate, almost everyone from my musical theatre class, half of your class, I think that Naomi and Mario are coming, um... Jake, Megg-"

"Frick," I laugh under my breath, "I knew she'd invite a lot but is my apartment really big enough for all of them?"

Scott giggles, shaking his head with a shrug of his shoulders, "Kirstie will find a way to fit everyone in."

I nod, "true.."

He smiles at me before running his fingers through my bed head and fixing it slightly, "you sleep okay, sweetie?"

"Yeah, how did I get into bed?"

"You fell asleep on me and I wanted a nap too, but I wasn't comfy. So I carried you to bed and slept by you for a bit."

"You carried me?" I raise my eyebrows slightly, "jeez, muscles of steel."

Scott laughs, flexing his arm in front of my face, "you know it."

Gulp. He's hot.

"What are you wearing tonight?" I say quickly, turning away from him,

"No idea. You?"

"No idea."

Scott laughs sarcastically under his breath, "wow, our conversations are so exhilarating, it's too much."

"I know right," I smile, "I hope your moves in bed aren't as boring as your conversations, or we may have some issues-"

"Bitch!" Scott shouts, reaching over and grabbing me from behind, his face fitting into the side of my neck as he tickles me, "you're not lucky enough to know what I'm like in bed."

I can feel his warm breath against the side of my neck, sending electricity through my veins and creating goosebumps on my arms and legs.

"Oh yeah," I scoff, pushing away from him and focusing on the bottles as an attempt to calm the mountains that are forming on my skin, "you mean you aren't lucky enough to have me in bed, men would die for me," I say sarcastically.

"Sure, sure they would.." Scott mumbles, pulling his phone out of his pocket as it beeps. I turn towards him, peeking down at his phone from the corner of my eye.

D: i've missed you, coffee some time? x

I frown slightly, biting my bottom lip and feeling nervous. Who's 'D'? Why do they miss Scott? The little green monster inside me can't make an appearance, he's not mine and I get ugly when I'm jealous. I look down discreetly, eyeing his reply.

Scott: bit busy rn, next week? missed you too x

Maybe it's just family. 'D' for dad, yes, that's it! His dad has finally come found to the fact that he's gay and they wanna sort things, aw, that makes me happy.

D: next week, see you then ;) x

Wait, a winking face. Who's dad does that? Maybe Scott's dad does, yeah, maybe he does. It's his dad. Right?

"Uh," I clear my throat, "who you talking to Mr Popular?"

Scott scratches the back of his neck, "um, just Megg, she's stuck on coursework."

He smiles awkwardly, walking over to the door to pick up another crate of alcohol. I furrow my brows, he's lying to me? Not only about what he's talking about, but who he's talking to. What's so bad that he has to hide it?

Scott walks back over to me, placing the crate on the side as I stand with me hands on my hips.

"What's up with you, grumpy?"

Realising that I'm standing as if I'm ready to kill a bitch, I relax my shoulders, running a hand through my hair and smiling.

"Oh, um.." I shake my head, "nothing I was just.. Thinking about stuff, sorry.. Where are these going?"

Scott tilts his head, reaching forward and smoothing down my bangs, "don't lie to me..."

I swallow down my words, refusing to let my inner jealousy pour out.

"Just, uh," I purse my lips, "w-what if.. Um, Travis turns up?"

Scott sighs, shaking his head as he pulls me into a hug, "don't worry about that piece of shit, Mitch, if he turns up, we'll throw him out. He won't get to you.."

Maybe 'D' might.

I nod, closing my eyes as Scott kisses the side of my head, "yeah, okay. Thanks."

"Come on, we gotta sort out the vodka."

I smile, picking up two bottles and walking over to the other counter.

He's lying to me. Thank gosh Kirstie bought so much alcohol.

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