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I think that some of you will appreciate this chapter :)

"Well thank you for dinner! It was great, hope to see you again soon Mr and Mrs Hoying!"

No, I really hope I don't see them again. I have never in my life met such selfish, cold-hearted, narrow-minded parents. How could they be so rude towards Scott? I don't care about how they were towards me, in fact, I think I got off lucky. They evidently have very strong views about homosexuality and they weren't afraid to show that, but for them to act so cold towards their own son, now that's not cool.

Scott opens the door for me, "do you really have to leave so soon?"

"Yeah," I smile sadly, "I can't leave Wyatt for too long. When do they leave?"

"Two days." Scott sighs, looking down at his feet, "I'm sorry they were so rude to you.."

"No, don't worry about it," I shrug, "are you okay?"

He nods slowly, "yeah, yeah I'm fine. I'll text you?"

"Okay," I smile, leaning forward to hug Scott. Just as I'm about to wrap my arms around his waist, Scott steps backwards, looking behind his shoulder at his parents before looking back at me and running a hand through his hair.

"Uh," he coughs, "I'll see you soon then.."

I frown, stepping backwards out of Scott's door, "yeah. See you."

Scott closes the door, leaving me out in the corridor with a frown on my face and my mouth partially open. He's embarrassed of me. He didn't wanna hug me incase his parents saw. Wow, okay then, Scotty.

I think I need to take a detour, need to go but some wine before heading to my room. A night with Wyatt, alcohol and myself, sounds good.


2am is a beautiful time of night.Or is it morning? I'm not really sure. Either way, it's so silent and peaceful. In my half-intoxicated, half-asleep state, I begin to notice things that I haven't notice before. Thinking about Scott, I realise that he's never told me about his childhood. When it comes to me, he knows every bone I've ever broke. He knows my childhood friends, some funny memories, he even knows about my dad's knee surgery over ten years ago. But me? I know hardly anything. He's always been mysterious, so why am I so surprised that he's embarrassed of me? I should have guessed it sooner.

Also, guess who never texted me? Yep, got it in one. Scott literally said "I'll text you?" Just five hours ago. No text. No anything.

Taking another gulp of wine, I sigh and look over at Wyatt.

"Life's so easy for you, little man," I pout, "eat, sleep, poop, repeat. I wish."

I stand up, switching off the TV and momentarily plunging me into darkness, until I turn my fairy lights on. I place my glass in the kitchen, pouring the rest of my wine down the drain. Kinda feels like drinking acid after a while.

I pull my top off over my head, throwing it on the floor, and just as I'm about to reluctantly turn in for the night, I hear a soft knock on my door. At first, I feel like it's my imagination playing tricks on me, just tricking me into hearing things that I wish were really there. Knowing my luck, it would be Frankie coming to beat me up, or Connie coming to bless me with holy water to remove my homosexuality. To be honest, if anything, I want it to be a hot, tall, broad guy. Blonde, blue eyes, the spitting image of Scott. But not Scott, because he's embarrassed of me.

I walk towards the door, looking through the peep hole while remaining silence. Surprisingly, the figure looks just like Scott.

Hey, maybe my dreams are coming true.

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