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a/n - the pic attached is what Scott looks like when Mitch goes to wake him up :)

I stir awake, smiling as I feel the weight of Scott's body behind me. His arm is wrapped around my waist as my back is against his chest. I can feel his slow, shallow breaths as they hit the back of my neck, and his knee is bent, bending around my legs. I stretch out carefully, shuffling out of the bed and quickly replacing my body with a pillow. Scott moves, sighing as he holds the pillow tightly against his body and kisses it gently in his sleep. I giggle slightly, knowing that his brain believes that it was my skin he kissed, not a cotton pillow slip.

I walk out of the door, pulling Scott's oversized t-shirt down to ensure the top of my thighs are covered. I was cold in just my underwear last night and his onesies were in the wash, so he let me borrow one of his comfy t-shirts while he still wore only his shorts.

Closing the bedroom door behind me, I walk off into the kitchen. Avi is stood there in his joggers with a baggy hoodie and a beanie on, his back to me as he waits for the coffee machine to be ready. I walk up behind him, running my hand through my hair.


"Oh," Avi jumps, turning towards me quickly, "you made me jump,"

"I'm sorry," I smile, "could I.. Um, can I make a coffee?"

"I'll make you one," Avi smiles genuinely, grabbing the Elmo mug and filling it with the freshly made coffee.

"Scott still asleep?"

I nod, "yeah, I thought I'd let him sleep in.. He struggled getting to sleep last night."

Avi takes a bite of his toast as he hands me my coffee, "I'll make him a drink too, he'll be grumpy if his coffee isn't fresh," He sighs, sitting down at the kitchen counter, "so, how did you two meet?"

"In an elevator," I smile, taking a seat opposite him, "I dropped something without realising and he gave it back to me, then we saw each other a few hours later in the gym and... Yeah, he asked me out for dinner."

Avi smiles, looking down at his mug, "so you like him, huh?"

"Yeah, I mean... Yeah he's sweet.."

"But do you like him?"

My eyes widen slightly as Avi says this. Does this mean Scott's gay?

"What? No.. No, I mean.. He's not gay, is he?"

"In all honesty, Mitch," Avi shrugs, "I have no clue. He's never bought a girl home before apart from his childhood friends, never had a girlfriend, never even kissed a girl for all I know.."

"And.." I take a deep breath, pursing my lips, "what about a... A boy? Has he ever bought a boy home?"

"There was a thing with this one guy, Alex."


"I mean, I don't know if it was a 'thing' or a just.. A thing. You know? They were close, but we never met Alex, Scott just spoke about him a lot. You're the first guy he's bought back here."

Avi takes a sip of his drink as his tired eyes stay locked on me. My brows furrow into a frown as I register what's just been said, I'm the first guy that Scott's bought home? What does this mean?

Frick, come on, my gaydar needs new batteries because I am stumped. I have no idea if this boy is gay or not and I really need to know. Like really.

"Anyway," Avi smiles comfortingly, aware that's head is running at a hundred miles per hour, "did you sleep well?"

"Yeah," I smile briefly, "thank you, once I'd got Scott to sleep.."

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