twenty seven

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My eyes snap open as I pant, my sheets damp with sweat. Shit, I thought the nightmares had stopped, obviously not. I search my surroundings slowly, careful not to put pressure on any of my sore points - a hard task, seeing as every bone in my body felt shattered to pieces - and lying down beside me, sound asleep, is little Wyatt. I smile, knowing that I must have fell back to sleep while cuddling him. But where's Scott? I thought he was only ringing Kirstie?

With a frown, I attempt to drag myself out of bed. I hiss as my hips ache, throwing my legs over the edge of the bed and standing up onto my weak feet. A pain in my ribs stabs through me as I walk, gripping onto the door frames for stability. I walk into the living room to find Scott on the couch, the back of his head facing me as his eyes are locked on his phone.

"Hey," I croak, giggling as Scott jumps.

"Oh, you scared me..." He laughs, running a hand through his hair, "are you okay? I mean, how do you feel?"

"I'm sore.." I frown, walking slowly over to Scott and lowering myself onto the couch with a grit of my teeth, "I had another nightmare..."

"You did?" He turns to me with a concerned frown, "was it bad?"

I shrug slowly, "nothing major.. They'll pass, right?"

Scott tilts his head, "you don't have to be strong you know.."

"I do.." I say quietly, my voice cracking. I smile slightly, trying to put on a brave face, "I'm okay.. I've got you. I'll be okay."

Scott shuffles towards me, looking down at his lap, "you've always got me but... I- Mitchy, it's okay to be upset.. You don't have to-"

"I know." I interrupt, "how long was I asleep?"

"Only half an hour or so," Scott hesitates, wrapping his arm around me gently. He's obviously caught on that I don't want to talk about it, and he respects that. He runs his fingers down my arm, "I rang Kirstie and you were fast asleep when I came back in."

I look down at my lap as Scott smiles at me sweetly.

"They're coming over later," He breathes, his tongue slipping out of his mouth to wet his lips, "just to check you're okay.."

I nod, looking up at him with a smile. Scott bites his lip, giggling as I look away. I notice a blush on his cheeks as I feel once creeping onto mine, "how are we gonna act around them?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like, uh.. Are we gonna kiss or.. No.."

"I don't know.." I smile, "we'll see.."

He nods, taking a deep breath, "So, um..." Scott scratches the back of his head, laughing nervously, "what happens now then?"

I shrug, looking up at him through my eyelashes, "we see where it goes? Just.. Take each day as it comes."

Scott nods with a smile, laughing quietly as he shakes his head, "we're really not good at this deep shit are we.."

I laugh in response, rubbing my eyes gently, "no we are not.. Change the subject?"

"Um, okay... well uh, Kirstie and the others are coming over later, they're worried about you so Kirstie insisted that they come over to have a movie night."

I laugh, shaking my head as I rest my head on Scott's shoulder, "that girl."

"I know, I told them to give you a few hours to get dressed and stuff. I let your bath water out by the way.. It was getting cold so I- well, I can run you another one if you-"

"You're cute." I smile up at him fondly, watching as he rambles. He really cares about me. He actually does.

Scott smiles, looking down at his lap as I stand up.

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