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Sorry for the late update! Been a busy week, but here you go :)

"How you feeling, Mitchy?"

I open my eyes, shuffling my feet as Scott's voice pulls me out of my half-asleep state, "hm.." I grumble quietly, "tired..."

"Did I wake you?" He whispers, running his fingers through my hair as I lie with my head on his chest.

I nod slightly, letting my eyes close as I place my hand on Scott's chest, taking his tank top into my hand, "I'm feeling better though... But that doesn't mean you can leave.."

Scott places a kiss on the top of my head, "go back to sleep, tiny, I'm not going anywhere..."

I smile, using all the energy that I have left to lift my head and place a soft kiss on Scott's jaw. I keep my eyes closed, lying back down in my original position and listening to Scott's heartbeat quicken.

Straight or not, I do something to this boy, definitely.

Scott laughs quietly, "what was that for?"

"You always kiss my hair.." I whisper, "just thought I'd return the favour..."

Scott chuckles, his fingers discreetly playing with the waistband on the back of my shorts, "shall I turn Spongebob off? It's... Nearly eleven pm?"

I frown slightly, lifting my heavy head with my eyes still half closed, "it's that late? Scott, you haven't eaten all day.."

"Yes I did," he smiles, "I ate while you were sleeping earlier, how did you think the crackers appeared on your bedside table for you if I didn't get up?"

I nod, letting my head fall back onto him and shuffling closer towards his body. I'm almost lying on my stomach, my cheek on Scott's collarbone and my arm rested on his chest, hand on his neck. One of my legs is bent over Scott's, and he has one hand on my back, the other on my arm.

We're lying like a couple, like we've been together for years and we know all the comfiest positions for us both, when in actual fact I've only known him for just over a month. This food poisoning has really knocked it out of me, I've been asleep nearly all day, and there was a lot of liquids.

I hear Scott take a deep breath as we're plunged into darkness, the TV humming as it turns off.

"Are you staying?" I whisper, barely audibly.

"Yes..." Scott replies, "well I mean, I want to, if that's okay.."

My fingers stroke the skin on the side of his neck, just below his ear, causing Scott to tilt his head over and allow them more access.

"Of course it's okay.." I breathe, sliding off Scott's body slightly to give him more room to move.

Scott sighs, pulling the covers up as we drift off into carefree sleep. I nearly fall asleep countless times, each time being woken up by Scott shuffling and moving about. It's hard to fall asleep when the thing that you're lying on is constantly moving and sighing. I figure that he's just getting comfortable, it is kinda cold in here because of the air conditioning so he could just be trying to get warm. Faintly, I hear Scott curse under his breath as his hand moves from my back, rubbing his face.

I eventually lift my head, looking up to see him with one arm over his eyes.

"Scott?" I croak, "what's wrong?"

"Nothing.." He sighs, his voice quieter than normal, "go back to sleep, Mitchy, I'm sorry for waking you."

"No," I shuffle up the bed slightly so that my face is next to his, pushing his arm away from his eyes to make him look at me, "something's on your mind, you haven't stopped moving about since you turned the lights out. Talk to me.."

"Just got a lot on my mind, sweetie.."

I watch as he frowns slightly, closing his eyes for a few seconds.

"Can I help?"

I touch his cheek and tilt his head towards me, watching as a small smile creeps onto his face, "if you can stop my parents from coming to visit me, then please do."

"Why don't you want your parents to visit?"

Scott sighs, rolling over and resting his head in the crook of my neck, "I don't know what they want from me, Mitchy.."

I frown, "perhaps they just wanna see their son?"

Scott laughs quietly, wrapping his arms around my waist, "they rang a couple hours ago, telling me that they're coming in a few weeks to meet my friends and have a catch up."

"And that's... Bad?"

"Mitch, I-" Scott shakes his head, "can we just go to sleep? I don't wanna drag you into my problems and I just... I trust you and you mean a lot to me, but I just wanna forget about them until the time comes.."

I nod, "of course, I'm sorry I shouldn't be invading your privacy, sorry..."

"No," Scott shuffles, lifting his head and looking up into my eyes as he leans over me, "you didn't, I will tell you one day.. I just can't right now.."

I smile, running my hand through Scott's messy hair as he runs his fingers down my side.

"I understand. Do you wanna go to sleep?"

"Well... I mean, there's something else on my mind and I..."

"What is it, Scott?"

He sighs loudly, "I just want you to know that you mean a lot to me... Like, a lot. You're my first best friend I guess.."

Best friend. Welcome to the friendzone, Mitchell.

"And I want you to know that no matter what happens when my parents get here, nothing's gonna change between our friendship.."


"Okay? I care about you and.. Well.. I guess I'll figure out what to do eventually... I understand that this probably isn't making sense, but I guess it will. One day."

I nod slowly, "okay? It didn't make sense but... Okay.."

Scott licks his lips before kissing my temple gently and lying back down on the pillow. I look up to the ceiling, what did he just try to tell me? What are his parents gonna do? I'm confused at what he meant, does he have some childhood secret? Perhaps he isn't really called Scott, or maybe he's a murderer. You never know, it could be anything. For some reason, I don't feel nervous about finding out what it is, I feel excited. Maybe it will help me to understand Blondie a bit better.

I sigh, running a hand through my hair, "you ready to go to sleep?"

"I'm not tired but I mean.. Sure."

"I'm not tired either... I was asking because I don't want to, I've slept all day."

Scott raises one brow, shuffling and sitting with his legs crossed, genie-style, "so what do you want to do?"

I smirk, lifting my body and resting on my elbows, "I wanna ask you questions."

"Really?" He frowns with uncertainty, "okay go ahead."

"Plot twist," I smile, "you can only answer with 'yes' or 'no', got it?"

Scott closes his eyes for a few seconds, smiling as he shakes his head, "I can already tell I'm gonna regret this."

"That's not 'yes' or 'no', Blondie. You ready to play?"

"Yes, Mitchy, I'm ready to play."

(ON HOLD INDEFINITELY) Blondie - ScomicheOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz