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I rest my chin on my hands, and my elbows on the kitchen counter, my back bent over as I sigh heavily and stare into the microwave. The sound of popping kernels is one of the many noises that are keeping me awake right now. Every time I feel my eyes drifting shut, a 'pop!' wakes me up. I'm so tired, last night was exhausting. The TV is blaring out an unrealistic reality show, sounding like nothing but a buzz in the background. Wyatt is running around and sliding over the surfaces quicker than I say 'yes' to a cup of coffee, and my refrigerator is whirring right next to my head. Without these noises, I'd be in a ball on the kitchen floor, dreaming about cats and coffee.


I lift my head, turning around quickly towards the door. Scott stands there, rubbing his hands together in front of him.

He's been crying, I can tell by his eyes.

I walk around the kitchen island and over to Scott as his brows furrow together and his eyes drop to the floor.

"I have popcorn?" I say quietly, attempting to make the situation seem as normal and 'okay' as possible, "and I.. Um, I wasn't sure if you wanted to- well, I mean I put Spongebob on but... We can watch something else I- ... Are you okay, Scotty?.."

Scott shakes his head slowly, "they hate me.."

"No, they don't, sweetie. It's probably just a shock, come sit down."

I put my hand on Scott's back as we walk over to the couch. He sits down and shrugs his jacket off his shoulders as I walk over to the microwave, placing the popcorn in a bowl and walking back over to Scott.

Sitting down beside him, he leans over and puts his arm over my shoulders, pulling me into his side.

"Right," I sigh, crossing my legs and placing the bowl of popcorn in my lap, "talk. From the start."

Scott clears his throat before letting out an exasperated sigh, "well, I walked in and was too scared to say anything so I just sat on the couch and watched them. I was thinking about how they'd react, looking at all the things they could throw at me when I told them."

I laugh quietly, shaking my head.

One point to me for guessing that he wouldn't tell them straight away.

"Anyway," he continues, fiddling with a part of my top, "I eventually rounded them all up and I went on and on, avoiding the topic until I just... Manned up and blurted it out. It went along the lines of 'I'm gaga- gayga- gay'. I said I'm gaga, Mitch. Gaga. I told you I'd fuck it up."

I struggle to hold back a laugh, my shoulders jumping as I try to push it back down my throat, eventually giving up and letting it out. Scott gives me the stink eye, poking my side before joining me in laughter.

"But you said it," I smile, looking over at him, "you told them. How did they react?"

"Kirstie kinda squealed," Scott smirks, shaking his head, "she hugged me and was petting me like a frickin' puppy. Avi said he already knew I was and it was no surprise, and Kevin just kinda smiled and shook my hand. They didn't kick me out so, bonus."

I smile, nodding. I knew they'd accept him. They're such genuine people, I'm proud to call them my friends.

"And your... Your parents?"

Scott gulps, "uh, dad just kinda gritted his teeth.. Mom was silent for a while, looking between me and my dad. Eventually they told me they were leaving and they'd contact me when they're ready. Mom... She uh.. She left first.. Dad kinda stood there for a while before leaving and slamming the door.. and that's it.."

"What? They... How could they do that? You're their son!"

"I know, I know," Scott groans, resting his was against the back of the couch, "but I wasn't surprised. I got lucky, and now it's done with.. They know and.. I can be me."

"You're right.." I smile, "I, um, I bumped into Travis earlier.."

I watch as a frown crawls onto Scott's face, "what happened?"

"Nothing in particular, he asked if he could come to Kirstie's party though.."

"What? What did you say?"

"No, obviously."

Scott visibly relaxes, his shoulders lowering and his jaw unclenching. I notice his eyes as they search me, staring at my collarbones and jawline.

"What if he shows up?" He says quietly, picking up a piece of popcorn and placing it into his mouth.

"Then we'll get rid of him, he'd only try and make me feel like shit. Him, Frankie and Josh would literally do nothing other than torment me until I fall back into their little trap."

"No," Scott laughs sarcastically, "that wouldn't happen. I'd knock their blocks off before they could even come near you."

"Woah, calm down big stuff," I giggle, resting my head against Scott's shoulder, "I wouldn't let them anyway. If they turn up, then you have permission to throw them out, okay?"

"With pleasure."

I sigh, closing my eyes. "Are you staying here tonight?"

"I don't need anything other than you right now, Mitchy. I hope that's okay..."

"Of course it is.."

Scott whispers out a quiet "good," before gently pressing his lips to the side of my head. I take a deep breath, turning to the side slightly and resting my head in the crook of Scott's neck and my hand on his chest.

Scott shuffles lower down the couch, giving me more room to lie down beside him. He strokes my hair with one hand, running his fingers from the bottom of my neck up to the top of my head.

I close my eyes and feel myself drifting off beside him.


I feel Scott's voice vibrate through his chest as my cheek rests on him.


"Why do you never tell me about what happened with Travis?"

I think about my answer. Nothing major happened with Travis, we were in a secret relationship that mentally fucked both of us up. It's just something I don't like to talk about in detail, I mean, I felt something for him and he practically ripped my heart to shit. I could feel him poisoning me through every kiss, like I could genuinely feel it. But I was stupid enough to keep going back to him, believing he'd man up and tell people about us. I was wrong. In the long run, I now know that it was the best thing that could have happened to me, but at the time, it frickin hurt. I don't wanna think about that.

"Everyone has a chapter that they don't want to read out loud, Scotty.."

Scott's fingers slide down to my arm as he strokes my skin gently, "I get that, it's fine."

"I feel like I should go for a nap, didn't get much sleep last night.." I croak, feeling myself slowly but surely falling to sleep.

"Okay.." Scott whispers, "I'll come back later then.."

I keep my eyes closed at Scott picks up the popcorn bowl, placing it on the side table before shuffling out from underneath me. I groan as the cold couch touches my cheek, reaching out and grabbing Scott's hand.

"What?" Scott asks quietly, innocently.

I open my eyes, looking up at Scott tiredly, "Stay?"

"Are you sure?"

I close my eyes and nod, leaning back so he can get back in position. Scott lies down, opening his arms to allow me to close the space between us. I rest my head on his chest and grip onto his top with my hand, inhaling his distinct smell.

Scott wraps his arms around me before breathing heavily, "I'll see you when you wake up, Mitchy. Sleep well..."

I smile, leaning up and kissing Scott's neck gently. He repays the favour, kissing my forehead twice.

The urge to kiss his lips is getting harder to resist. But no. Not this time momma.

A few breaths later, I'm drifting off to sleep.

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