twenty six

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double update oooooooo

you love me AMIRIGHT

okay, here we go :)

"Mitch? Mitchy, it's okay baby, wake up.. Come on, I'm here, it's Scotty, wake up... Come on..."

I shoot up from my pillow, sweat making my t-shirt stick to my back as I breathe heavily. As my mind clicks back into the real world, sharp stabs of pain flow through my body. I clutch my ribs and let out a pained sob, making my stomach hurt. Soon after, my head begins to bang and my arms and legs begin to ache excruciatingly. So much pain... So much pain..

A tear falls down my cheek as I hold my breath, scared to breathe because I know that another sob will escape, and that hurts.

Another nightmare. It's the third one tonight and we've only been in bed for four hours. I feel Scott's arm wrap around me softly as he pulls me into him. He lies back against the headboard, pulling me into his chest and rubbing my back gently.

"I've got you, Mitchy... Just breathe.. It's all okay now.."

I take a deep breath, cringing as pain courses through my body. Scott kisses the top of my head, ruffling my hair through his fingers.

"How could they do this to you..." Scott breathes, "next time I see them, I swear- the little fuc-"

"Scott.." I whimper, "please..."

He takes a deep breath, "sorry... I'm sorry, I just.. You're mine, Mitchy. How could they? You're... Fuck.."

I shake my head, lifting it with all the energy I have left. Scott has a frown shadowing his eyes as he looks down at me, and I reach up, touching his cheek gently.

"I don't want to talk about them anymore.." I whisper, "I want to talk about you, thank you.. you saved me, Scotty.."

"I'll always save you..."

I lean upwards slowly, my hand resting on his cheek and my face brushing against Scott's as our lips barely touch. I don't kiss him, I'm just taking in the moment, relieved that I have him by my side.

Scott closes his eyes, and from what I can see in the dim light, he smiles. I look over at the clock and see that it's only 2am. How many more nightmares am I gonna have tonight... Jeez..

I lift my chin, kissing the top of Scott's nose before snuggling back into his shoulder.

"I don't wanna have anymore nightmares, Scotty.. I'm in so much pain, I-..." My voice cracks as I speak quietly, gripping onto Scott's t-shirt and inhaling his scent.

He runs his fingers up and down my arm as his cheek rests on the top of my head, "what can I do to make it okay? I'll do anything.."

I shrug my shoulders, shuffling as I struggle to get comfortable. My back is still sticky from my nightmare, so I reach down and pull at the hem of my top in an attempt to take it off, almost forgetting that my ribs are in agony. I squirm as the pain hits me, and Scott notices as he places a worried hand on my side, before helping me sit up slowly and pulling my top over my head. He soon follows my movement, also removing his top and lying back down with me in his arms.

There's something about skin to skin contact that immediately relaxes me. Just feeling Scott's chest against mine makes me feel safer, he's warm, calm and I can feel his heart against my skin. He's here, I'm okay. Everything is okay. I look down at my body and sigh at my bruised skin. There's barely any light shining on me right now, but I can still see the dark marks around my ribs and hips, the cuts along my skin. I shake my head, forcing it into the crook of Scott's neck in an attempt to forget, or at least try to push away what happened last night. I need sleep, Scott needs sleep.

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