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Third Person

"Talk, and if you are wasting our time ..." Wanda Maximoff darkly threatened the cloaked figure that sat in the seat reserved for their holy savior in the middle of the church. She glowered in front of her twin brother, Pietro and struggled to read the figure that summoned them.

"Did you know this church is in the exact center of the city, the elders decreed it so that everyone would be equally close to God." Ultron spoke, his robotic voice startling the twins. Pietro frowned, feeling uncomfortable.

How had this creature known where they were? It was their goal to be oblivious to the public eye and below the radar of Baron Von Strucker.

"I like that, the geometry of belief." Ultron muttered, his ruby red orbs glowing vibrantly.

"You're wondering why you can't look inside my head." He asked the telepath. But Wanda shook her head with a growing discomfort.

"Sometimes it's hard, but sooner or later every man shows himself." She spoke in her thick Sokovian accent, and gestured the cloaked figure that was facing away from them.

Ultron ripped off his cloak and stood confident and strong before the twins.

"Oh I'm sure they do. But you needed something more than a man, that's why you let stark take the scepter."

"I didn't expect, but I saw Stark's fear, I knew it would could control him, make him self-destruct."

"Everyone creates the thing they dread. Men of peace create engines of war, invaders create avengers, people create.... smaller people ... Children I lost the word there. Children, Designed to supplant them, to help them .... end."

"Is that why you've come? To end the Avengers?"

"I've come to save the world. but also .... Yeah."


Words cannot explain the fear I had when you shut me out. Not ever have you done that, and never should you do that in any situation! Including one of an alien force trying to hurt you!Michael yelled in Eden's head, as she felt him pace around anxiously in a white room.

She felt sinful and unruly for her behavior. I shouldn't have ignored my brother in a time of crisis. It was some selfish urge that had caused me to disobey. Some deep rooted instinct told me I could rely on my powers in a situation of crisis, and they had pulled me through. Although I hadn't expected such an issue escalate to such a serious level. She thought, with regret.

I'm sorry, I had no ill will or intention to disobey you. Eden spoke in her head, in response to his distraught and exasperated words.

She felt Michael's anger ease, but his distress still lingered.

Please. Don't endanger yourself. You're still young and incapable of defending yourself as well as the others can.

Michael said nimbly, calming down like a fire diminishing spark by spark.

Now get some rest, Gabriel and I'll watch over you.

Eden closed her eyes she softly laid her head to rest on the plush pillow that laid beneath her, and almost instantly was lulled to sleep by her extreme tiredness.


"We move out right away. This is a start, but there's something we need to begin the real work. All of these are ... Me. I have what the Avengers never will ... harmony. They're discoordinate , disconnected, Stark's already got them turning on each other, and when you get inside the rest of their heads .. pretty one's plan is not to kill them."

Ultron spoke angrily, barely maintaining his fury that he kindled towards his hypocritical creator. Ultron gestured the hundreds of robots being built, all being uploaded the same data into their own artificial intelligence.

"And make them martyrs? You need patience, need to see the big picture." Ultron spoke, clenching and unclenching his mechanical fist.

"I don't see the big picture. I have a little picture. I take it out and look at it, every day." Pietro said defiantly, not exactly agreeing with the arrogant robot's plan. That robot- needs to know why Wanda and I were involved. Who we're avenging.

"You lost your parents in the bombings, I've seen the records." Ultron immediately interjected, but Pietro scoffed and smirked.

"The records are not the picture."

"Pietro..." Wanda begun, her thick sokovian accent only accentuating her warning.

"No, please." Ultron urged the silver-haired mutant. Ultron felt that if he were to relate to the twins or empathize in some way, he'd gain an ounce of trust to carry out his plan with them.

"We're 10 years old, having dinner the four of us," Pietro began, pausing slowly as he took in the painful memories of his rough past.

"and the first shell hits two floors below makes a hole all over the floor it's big. My parents go in, the whole building starts ... coming apart. I grab her, roll under the bed, and the second shell hits, but it doesn't go off, it just sits there in the rubble, and on the side of the shell, is painted one word." Pietro spat the last word, and his red-eyed sister furiously added to Pietro's agonizing reminiscence.


"We were trapped for 2 days. Every effort to save us, every shift in the bricks I think this will set it off." Pietro said, his fingers moving, his actions portraying his evident fear.

"We wait for 2 days for Tony Stark to kill us. I know what they are." Wanda said, her voice cold and unforgiving.

"I wondered why you 2 survived Strucker's experiments, now I don't. We will make it right, You and I can hurt them, but you will tear them apart from the inside."

"But what about that girl? The one that completed the experimentation alongside us? Did she survive?" Pietro asked nervously, praying for that wonderful girl's safety. He'd protected her. Trained her. And hadn't even learned her name. But she was beautiful. He'd seen her large and expansive wings, and he'd been able to caress each feather.

Ultron's head cocked to the side, and he let out a evil cackle.

"They've done well with her. No electronic documentation. It was almost if they expected something like me to come around. Ha! She's powerful. More powerful than any of us combined- that I could read. This is why we need her on our side." Ultron spoke, and Pietro grimaced.

"I doubt that she'll remember me, or Pietro. She was given this serum just hours before the Avenger's attacked the base. I read the side effects. One of them listed permanent amnesia." Wanda spat, crossing her arms. Her red eyes glowed violently with rage, feeling the need to avenge this poor girl.

"With your forces all combined, we'll be unstoppable."

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