Gay Strippers!?!

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Like every night, here I was stuck at home staring at the walls around me. I'm pretty sure I was the most anti social person. I didn't mean to be but I like being on my own sometimes which leads to me having no one to hang out with. I'm 21 and doing nothing for the millionth Saturday night. I was sick of it.

I got up from the couch and went into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror to see my hair was starting to have some length and I was starting to not care about my look. I was starting to get bored of life and you could see it.

"Fuck it" I said to myself and grabbed my jacket off the the couch, closing the door behind me.

I didn't have a clue where I was going but I was going to go somewhere. I needed to experience something new. I walked down the street and past lots of pubs but they all looked full of drunks who I would rather not encounter. I kept on walking until I could see neon lights flashing in the distance, as I got closer the words "nightclub" flashed. I hesitated for a moment, I never was in a nightclub and I didn't know if I wanted to experience it. I took a deep breath and walked up the the bouncer who kindly stepped aside. I made my way into the dark room waiting for my eyes to adjust to see a little platform or stage in the back with poles standing. Did I mistake this place ?? Was this actually a fucking stripper nightclub? Fucking great, this won't be awkward at all.

I made my way to the bar and sat down on one of the stools.

"What can I get you??" The bartender shouted over the loud music.

"Beer" I shouted back. I wasn't going to drink anything heavy knowing that I'm going to be leaving soon.

As I sipped my beer I looked around to see not many woman strippers around, maybe it was too early ?

"Where are all the strippers ??" I asked the bartender pretending to be busy.

"Just getting ready for the show, it's show night Saturday" He smiled

I nodded and proceeded to drink my beer. The music was turned off and a man with a microphone came on stage

"Are you reeaaddyy for the gayest night of your lives?!" He shouted into the microphone with roaring following from the audience.

Fuck no. Don't tell me I'm in a gay strip club. Fuck fuck. Fuck me now. Maybe someone will. Shut up Frank.

"EVERYONE PREPARE YOURSELVES FOR THE HOTTEST, SEXIEST AND SASSIEST NIGHT!! COME ON BOYS SHOW WHAT YOU GOT!" With that the man got off the stage and 4 men came on stage where from what I could see was tight, revealing clothing. They dance in sync to each other bending down and slowly getting up, twirling around and shaking there hips. 2 of the men were musclier and 2 men weren't. I'm guessing they had to have variety for people. Each guy went up to the pole and did their solo dance around it. One guy caught my eye. He stood out compare to the rest. He had red bright hair and pale skin. He was totally loving all the attention. He shook his hips and my eyes would undeniably look down and admire. He was wearing the most revealing clothing. Leather and it was tight with fishnet tights and knee high boots. He could work the boots. He worked everything. You could see everyone noticed him because of what he wore and the colour of his hair. He loved it. I don't know why I suddenly got this attraction for him but maybe that's why he's good, he gets people attracted to him. He looked over my way and I could feel myself getting warmer. I looked down and drank my beer. Why did I suddenly get all embarrassed?? He wasn't even looking at me. Wtf Frank? Keep it together.

The guys starts coming off stage and into the audience where another row of new guys came on and did there act.

I looked away feeling the urge to leave but then watch the red head. I looked over quickly to see he was wearing a red feathered boa around his neck. He was talking to a guy, flirting more like. The guy was brushing the red head arm up and down. I could feel my stomach drop. Was I disappointed that he didn't notice me? Sadly, yes.

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