Chapter 7 - When Love Runs Out of Time

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Aubrey's POV

Yesterday went by in a blur, but unfortunately, today was dragging on.

I could hardly focus in any of my classes. The problem with being seen was that people noticed everything. I had people following me everywhere, wanting to get to know me, and I was overwhelmed. I didn't know how Taylor did it, let alone excel at it. I shouldn't even be complaining. For the first time in what felt like forever, I had friends to sit with at lunch and a boyfriend every girl wanted.

The only thing holding me back was my new identity and Liam.

The boy who saved me.

I wondered if he knew who I was. I thought back to yesterday when his eyes seemed to be searching mine for an answer before Connor showed up and distracted all of us. For some reason, I was grateful for the interruption. I wasn't sure if I wanted Liam to figure it out just yet.

"Hey Ella," Connor came over to my desk and shook my shoulder lightly. I jumped from his touch and he raised his eyebrows, raising his hands up like he was surrendering.

I looked up at him. "What's up?"

He laughed. "Still daydreaming? C'mon, I want you to be my partner for the science project," he said.

"Right." I said, getting up from my seat to follow him back to his lab table. He pushed me back down and walked over to the other side of the desk where Mila was sitting next to me.

"Move," he said. "My seat now."

"But I was—" Mila began.

"I said 'move,'" Connor repeated.

Mila picked up her books and her bag and scurried off to sit with Claire.

Connor threw his backpack down beside his seat and turned to face me. I guess I was still kind of shocked because he smirked and said, "What? Don't be so surprised, you know I own this school." He leaned forward and kissed the top of my head and then started rearranging the vials Mila had laid out previously. He handed me a pair of goggles and put on his gloves, oblivious to everything else going on inside my head.

I glanced over at Mila who was now starting the science project from scratch. Claire knew a lot, but not a lot about science. Mila noticed me staring, but I quickly turned away and started reading the instruction packet so that I wouldn't have to make eye contact with her. It all felt wrong. If this was how he acted, did he expect me to act like him too?

My thoughts floated back to Liam as Connor's football buddy, Luke, came by and started talking to him.

I was zoning out, absentmindedly pouring mixtures together in the vials according to the instructions, when he finally addressed me. Sort of.

"Connor, dude, you are so lucky. I wish Lucy looked half as good as Ella." Connor laughed and pushed him away from the table and Luke slapped him on the back before heading back to his own table.

Connor rolled his eyes at Luke's retreating back and pulled my stool closer to his. He wrapped his arm around me low, his hand sliding under my shirt a little.

"Sucks to be Lucy," he commented and I wanted to throw up. Lucy was gorgeous and neither of these boys were worth it. But instead of saying either of those things, I forced a laugh out and pulled away from him, busying myself with adding droplets onto the petri dish.

"Hey, what's up with you? You seem distracted today." he said, poking me in the waist.

"Nothing," I lied, "I'm just stressed about the assignment. I want to get it done now so we don't have to worry about it later." Which wasn't entirely false, but it wasn't entirely the truth either. I was distracted. I couldn't stop thinking about the way Liam stepped in and stood up for me. Thankfully, Connor didn't press me for more information.

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