Chapter 11 - Thinking About You

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Aubrey's POV

True to his word, the stranger got the bartender's attention and brought him back to me. I burst out of the door the minute it was unlocked and inhaled deeply. The person waiting outside for the bathroom gave me a strange look and passed me to head in.

"Can I borrow your phone?" I asked the bartender. I sounded out of breath and internally I was. I had had enough time to sober up and I was angry. I was tired, but so angry.

The bartender headed behind the counter and tossed me his phone. "Make it quick." I nodded my thanks and dialed the only number I knew by heart besides my own.

Owen picked up and was here two hours later.

I saw the top of his head before I saw him barreling through the crowd toward me. It was getting late so the crowd was thinning out, but there was still a good amount of people in here. I tried to prepare myself for what came next.

"Aubrey? Have you been here this whole time? I've been trying to get a hold of you all day." he said upon reaching me.

"Here I am." I said, lifting my hands up.

He took a look at me. "Have you been drinking?"

"I'm sober." I said, not offering him any more information. "Can we go home, please?"

"Before we do that, I need to tell you something." He glanced around nervously, but I shook my head. Now was the not the right time. We were surrounded by too many people and my head was still pounding. I needed to figure out what I was going to do about Taylor. I couldn't let her get away with this.

"Aubrey, it's serious."

"Shh," I said, looking around to see if anyone heard. I leaned forward and whispered, "Tell me when we get home." Owen looked like he wanted to disagree but then decided against it.

"Okay, c'mon then." He grabbed my hand and started pulling me back through the crowd. He was only an inch deep into the crowd when I felt myself being pulled back in the opposite direction.

"Ella, who's this?" Connor asked. Shit. Luckily, Owen didn't hear Connor refer to me as Ella  instead of Aubrey over the loudness of the music. He frowned and came back to stand near me. Connor looked him up and down, noting his hand still in mine.

"My brother," I responded. "He's taking me home."

"No, I'll take you home." Connor countered, his eyes staring intently at Owen. This was ridiculous. Even if he wanted to, he was drunk. I could see it in his eyes that he was too far gone to be operating any vehicles tonight. And why would he even care who took me home? He didn't even notice that I was gone for the past hour or come looking for me.

"No, it's alright. Thank you. Owen and I are going back to the same place." I said and offered him an apologetic look. I squeezed Owen's hand to follow me and started heading toward the door again. But Owen stood still.

"Who are you?" Owen asked.

"Connor. Ella's boyfriend. She hasn't mentioned me?" Connor asked, sparing a glance at me.

I groaned internally. Why did he have to care now? I noticed a few pairs of curious eyes look over in our direction. The last thing I wanted was more drama in my life, especially if it was between my brother and my half-assed boyfriend.

"No—" Owen started, but I interrupted.

"We're going home now. I'll see you at school." I hoped he got the hint and dropped it. He did not.

"Where have you even been for the past hour?" Connor asked.

I couldn't help it. "Why don't you ask Taylor?"

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