Chapter 10 - Right Round

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Aubrey's POV

Connor handed me a freshly opened bottle of beer after we finished the last one and I took a big swig out of it. He laughed and plopped a kiss on my head.

"That's my girl," he said and I smiled, taking another gulp of the alcohol. I needed it if I was going to get through the rest of the night. Taylor might have thought that she was being slick, but there was something she had planned and I was going to figure it out.

"Okay, everybody!" Taylor clapped her hands together to get all of our attention.

The music died down just enough so that she could be heard.

"Here she goes again," Connor whispered in my ear. He rolled his eyes and draped his arm around me, pulling me closer.

"That includes you two," Taylor said, narrowing her eyes at us. Connor mimed zipping his lips shut but it only infuriated her further. I didn't understand her at all. She was the one who wanted him to be here and she was the one who eventually texted him again to come.

"I want to start off by thanking Ruby and her boyfriend for inviting us all here tonight!" she exclaimed and the crowd started clapping. In the corner, Ruby and her boyfriend lifted their glasses up to the crowd and said their thanks.

Taylor continued, "It's not every day that we can all get together but I want to thank you all for showing up and making high school feel a little less crappier. So cheers to all of you that are here tonight." She lifted up her glass and the crowd followed suit. "And here's to having an unforgettable night!"

Nathan let out a whoop and the crowd went crazy. Someone turned the music back up and the walls began shaking again. A girl and her friend crowded in next to me at the bar and I had to squish up next to Connor to let them through. There were so many people. I didn't even think I knew this many people in my life.

"Ella, there you are," Taylor appeared and grabbed my arm, "SOS. I need to fix my makeup, I think my mascara is smeared. Can you come with me?" she asked. I glanced at Connor and he shrugged. I nodded at Taylor and let her lead me through the crowd.

"So Ella, how's Connor treating you?" she asked as she walked us down a less crowded hallway. She was trying to sound nonchalant but I could tell that she was digging for information. Not that there was much to say since I didn't have much to say to Connor in general. He and I shared nothing in common, but it didn't seem to bother him, and I was too busy caught up in other things to be bothered by it too.

"He's great," I said, playing along with her game.

"That's great. You're really lucky," she said. We reached the bathroom and she held the door open for me. "After you," she said.

I headed in. I could probably use a touch up too. It was so hot inside with everyone crowded up against each other that I was sweating. I turned around to ask Taylor for a makeup wipe, but when I did, she was standing outside the door looking at me with an inexplicable expression.

"Next time you think about stealing something of mine, let alone my boyfriend, you can thank yourself for being in this situation." she said, her voice devoid of the sweetness she had injected into all her previous conversations with me.

I opened my mouth to say something, but she didn't give me the chance. She pulled the door shut in one smooth motion. I lunged for the door, but she was faster. I heard her slide the key into the lock, turning it quickly. I banged my fists on the door, but they barely made an echo down the hallway.

"Let me out!" I yelled, slamming my palm down on the door. I put my ear to the door, trying to listen to the sounds outside but the music was too loud for me to hear anything. "Taylor!" I tried again.

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