Chapter 28 - Unconscious

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Aubrey's POV

The only thing I know when I open my eyes is that my head hurts. Like crazy.

I move my arm to touch my head, but just the small movement sends pain shooting all throughout my body. That's when I notice the many needles poking into both arms and the unfamiliar room I'm in.

"Aubrey?" I turn and Layla stands up from where she's sitting. I frown in confusion. What's going on? The last thing I remember is seeing Liam's face and then falling off the bridge. The bridge...

"Aubrey, honey, can you hear me?" she repeats, standing next to my bed now. I nod, still confused.

"What happened?" my voice comes out small and hoarse.

She sighs. "You jumped off the bridge. Liam jumped in after you and saved you. The ambulance was called, and now you're here." I shift to try to look at her better, but it's a bad idea. My whole body aches all over.

"I wouldn't move if I were you. You've fractured three ribs and broken two ribs. You also hit your head at some point," she says, pointing at my head which explains why it feels like mini fireworks going off in my head. "They had to stitch it up. You're lucky you're still alive."

I stay silent, not knowing what to say.

"What were you thinking?" she finally says, saying what she really wants to say. "Honestly, Aubrey, what were you thinking? Did you think if you jumped, everything would go away? All your problems? It was stupid and you risked Liam's life, too." She's pacing now, the words spewing out of her mouth.

"Stop," I say weakly, but she's just getting started.

"Do you understand the shit we would've had to go through if Liam had died? The whole world would be on our ass."  I close my eyes wishing I could somehow block out what she's saying.

"Stop!" I say, louder this time.

Then she drops the bomb. "Owen would never forgive you if he knew."

I wish I could forget I heard those words, but she's right. Owen would never forgive me. I knew it when I jumped and I still know it now.

That's when Liam decides to walk through the door with a cup of water in his hand. He stops when he sees the look on my face and the glare on Layla's face. She doesn't wait for him to say anything. She just picks up her purse and walks past him without saying a word. And then we're alone.

"Hey..." he says, coming to stand next to my bed. He doesn't seem to be sure what he's supposed to say. What do you say to someone who's just jumped off a bridge and somehow survived?

"Hi," I say, suddenly feeling self-conscious.

He clears his throat and sticks out the hand with the cup in it. "Water?"

I nod and sit up, even though the motion hurts me to the core. I fight back the urge to scream out in pain. I sip slowly, focusing instead on letting the cool liquid slide down my throat.

When I finish, he still doesn't know what to say and neither do I. I clench the empty paper cup in my hand and take a breath. I should go first.

But he seems to have the same idea because we both begin to speak at once.

"I'm sorry—" I begin.

"I have something to say—" he starts.

Then we both stop. He lets out a nervous laugh.

"Can I go first?" I ask, twisting the paper cup in my hands. I need to get it off my chest. If I keep it to myself any longer, I might just burst. Secrets are never meant to be kept to yourself this long and to me, it's been a long time.

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