Chapter 21 - Time

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Liam's POV

I'm starting to become restless; there were only two days left. Forty-eight hours was hardly enough for me to do all the things I needed to do.

There had to be some way to get more time.

I turn to Louis who is busy jamming out to music next to me on the couch.

"Lou," I gently shake his arm.

He chooses to ignore me and continues to rock out to his music. He's been working the past few hours on a new song for the band.

I can hear the music streaming out of his headphones. "Louis!" I say, a little bit louder. He scrolls through the music program, clicking on some more buttons, completely lost in another world.

"Lou," I say again, this time pulling out his headphones.

"Liam James Payne, what do you want?" he asks, glaring at me. The music continues to stream out of his headphones.

"Can we put off the tour for a little bit?" I ask him, completely serious even though I know that I'm asking for too much. Missing one day of tour already meant thousands of disappointed fans and complicated problems that our management would have to solve, and knowing them, they wouldn't want to deal with that. "I need more time."

"You need time, Payne?" he asks, smirking a little. "I wonder what you could possibly need more time for."

"I need time," I repeat, sounding desperate, but it's the truth. I need to know her before we leave.

Louis says softly, "Liam, it's not for me to decide."

"Can't we ask the others?" I ask urgently.

"We can try," He turns over his shoulder and yells, "Hey mates!"

"Bye mum, I love you." I hear Harry say before the laptop clicks shut. Niall turns down the television show he's watching, Zayn stops reading, and then they all turn to look at us.

"Liam, here, as something very important to ask you," They all look at me expectantly, but the words don't come out of my mouth.

"Lou," I nudge him and he sighs.

"He wants to know if we can put off the tour for a few days," Louis finally explains for me.

"For what?" Harry asks.

Niall looks confused. Zayn raises his eyebrows.

"I..." I take a breath, "met a girl last night." I finally say. I can feel my cheeks turning red as I blush.

Harry looks at the other boys and I'm ready for him to laugh me out of the room when a grin spreads across his face. "I knew it! I saw you sneaking out of the gym with that one girl with the red dress." He walks over and pats me on the shoulder. His words only make me blush harder.

"Her name's Ella," I say. "But that's all I know."

"Oh, don't worry. We'll find her, won't we lads?" Niall asks.

"Of course we will!" Zayn says, laughing as he tosses his book over his shoulder and walks over to where Harry and Niall are taking turns giving me a pat on the back.

"So..." I swallow my fear of asking the question. "Is that a yes?"

"It's a yes from us," Harry answers for all of them. "But you should probably talk to management. They won't be happy, but we'll figure out a way."

"Thank you," I say, incredibly thankful for my friends. I don't know what I would do without them. I already feel some of the tension leaving me at the thought of seeing the girl I danced with again.

Another One Cindirection Story (L.P.)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora